FAIRY TALE DEFINITION A story with magical creatures Usually begins with “Once upon a time…” Good vs. evil Most fairy tales include the magical numbers 3 and 7 Good stories for children End with “…happily ever after”
TYPES OF CHARACTERS Royalty (prince, princess, king, queen, …) Pixies (tiny) Fairies (have wings) Fairy Godmother Witch (good/bad) Wolves Goblins Talking Animals Elves
SETTINGS PLACES Forests Castles/tower Gardens Workshop Kingdom Cottage Gingerbread House TIME 12:00 Midnight Long, long ago Once upon a time…
THE GRIMM BROTHERS Jacob ( ) and Wilhelm ( ) Grimm Born in Hanau, Germany Family of eight boys and only one girl Went to University of Marburg to learn law Collected stories from townspeople and put them into a book
THE GRIMM BROTHERS Popular Fairy Tales include: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Hansel and Gretel Rapunzel The Shoemaker and the Elves
HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Born in Denmark in 1805 Father died when he was only 11 Worked in a cigarette factory, as an apprentice for a weaver and a tailor, as an actor, singer and dancer, and author and poet The first play he wrote was “Love in St. Nicolai Church Tower” Wrote 156 fairy tales
HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN Popular Fairy Tales: Thumbelina The Little Mermaid The Emperor’s New Clothes The Ugly Duckling The Real Princess
CHARLES PERRAULT Born in Paris, France in 1628 Published “Histoires or Tales of Past Times with Morals” A sign reading “The Tales of Mother Goose” was in the background of the book cover. It contained 80 fairy tales.
CHARLES PERRAULT Popular Fairy Tales Sleeping Beauty Puss in Boots Red Riding Hood Cinderella