Clerks Conference June 2009 Headship and Leadership Recruitment
What is the situation now for recruiting and retaining Headteachers?
3 Current position Headteacher posts advertised since September 2008 Posts where appointments have been made Primary - 14 Secondary – 2 Post currently being advertised/re-advertised Primary - 21 Secondary - 1
4 Average number of applications per headship Primary – 3 Secondary – 15 Number of Headships Re –advertised Primary – 8 Number re-advertised more than twice Primary - 2
5 Issues for recruiting and retaining Location – area, town, rural, transport Size of School – small school Faith Schools – individual requirements Salary range – group size, DHT range Timescales – holiday periods, resignation dates
6 LA Support – 1 for Schools recruiting Advice and guidance to Governing Body on the process of appointing a new Headteacher Attendance at Governing Body meetings to explain procedures and responsibilities Booklet ‘Appointing your new HT and other members of the leadership group’ Help with advertising including financial support Advice on best form of advertising to suit schools needs
7 LA Support – 2 for schools recruiting Help with preparing recruitment pack Headship Admin service for dealing with all work associated with appointing a new HT Get a Head Start training for Governors Safer Recruitment Training
8 Has your Governing Body considered other models of school leadership? Co- Headship Executive Headship Lead Headteacher Partnership Headteacher Acting Headteacher
9 Co- Headship Two part- time employees are employed by a single school to cover the full- time head teacher post. This can be in any combination of more than one person amounting to 1fte.
10 Executive Headship Schools share a headteacher through; A hard Federation arrangement ( one Governing Body for more than one school.) A collaboration of schools. This is where Governing Body remains separate but making a joint appointment of a Head.
11 Lead Head An existing Headteacher or Local Authority appointed advisor deployed to support another school who has a substantive Headteacher in post. Where there is no substantive Headteacher this person may be appointed as Acting Head.
12 Acting Headteacher A person covering for a headteacher post pending appointment of permanent head Or During the temporary absence of substantive due to sickness, maternity etc.
13 Succession Planning task: As a Clerk to a Governing body have you considered the following points: Take a question and discuss in your groups and be prepared to share your outcomes.
14 How you or could you discuss succession planning regularly at Governor meeting? Have you a succession policy and strategy supporting all staff? How do you succession plan and grow your own leaders? Have you considered ways to retain your Headteacher/Leadership team ?