Camps and Combines
Combine An event where a student athlete will be tested on their basic athletic measurables. An event where a student athlete will be tested on their basic athletic measurables. –Height –Weight –40 –Vertical Jump –Bench press or Power ball toss –Pro Shuttle –Broad jump
Combines Continued Why go to a combine –Having a reliable third party source test our student athletes, will remove any fear that a college coach has concerning whether or not a players numbers are accurate.
Commonly known combines
Combines continued Nike Combine –Typically the most well known combine. –Free for student athletes. –Held nation wide.
Combines continued National Underclassmen combine –Previously for Freshman and Sophomores. Now available to Juniors. –Small fee, typically around dollars. –Held nation wide.
Combines continued Excel Combines –Regionally based. –Small fee for attending.
Camps Camps can be broken down into three separate categories. –Showcase camps –University camps –Instructional camps
Showcase Camps Showcase Camps
Showcase Camps An event where student athletes will compete in sport specific drills to showcase their athletic talent. –OL vs. DL pass rush drills –Pre-practice drills –7on7 Typically held throughout the summer. –Some events start as early as the late spring.
Showcase camps continued Commonly known Showcase camps Commonly known Showcase camps
Showcase camps continued Nike Camp –A student athlete will gain entrance into a Nike Camp one of three ways. Strong performance at the Nike Combine Recommend by their HS Coach Submitting a 5 minute highlight video –Typically begin in April every year –Camp is free to attend –Note: Players will not be tested at these events.
Showcase camps continued Ultimate 100 camps –The top 200 athletes from all of the NUC regional combines will be invited to these camps. –Regional MVP’s automatically qualify –Cost of camp is 60 dollars. –Camps typically start in June.
Showcase camps continued Elite 11 –Features the nations 12 best QB prospects. –Chosen from regional contests. –Main camp is held in Cali every year. –Invite only. –Typically held in the summer
Showcase camps continued Top Gun Showcase camp –Three day, invitation only mini camp. –This event is put on by FBU. –Players chosen from the 18 national camps. –Typically held at the end of the summer.
Showcase camps continued Chris Sailer Elite Kicking Camp –Brings together the nations top special teams prospects.
Showcase camps continued Florida’s “Friday Night Lights” Camp –Hosted by The University of Florida. –Attracts top talent nationwide.
Showcase camps continued Florida State’s “Seminole Showtime” Camp –Hosted by FSU. –Attracts top talent nationwide.
University Camps University Camps
University Camps Water bottle and tee shirt camp –Typical large D1 camp. –7 th grades on up will attend. –These camps should not be viewed as a way to advance a student athletes recruiting process. –Recommended for younger players just looking for a shot at the D1 level.
University Camps continued Senior only camp –Typically a small number of raising seniors will be invited to these camps. –Usually only held for one day. –Lower cost.
Instructional camps Instructional camps
Instructional camps Events that are designed to allow a player to gain a better understanding of how they can improve their technique as a player.
Instructional camps continued Commonly known instructional camps –Air7QB 1 –FBU Camp