The mission of our organization is to reach consumers interested in our handmade products. We will do this through social media advertising and word of mouth. The types of handmade products we plan to supply will consist of many different tye dye items and hula hoops. The business will consist of 4 departments; Hula hoops, tye dye items, shipping/ordering, and web design. Our shop is located in the South Side of Pittsburgh, PA at 168 E Carson St.
5 total employees Webmaster Tye dye designer Hula Hoop artisan Shop worker 1 Shop Worker 2
Julie will design and create hula hoops by hand for sale on our website and in shop. She will also offer a hula hooping class in our shop. Julie will split any remaining earnings with Gus as they will be joint partners in the business. Julie will be responsible for taking pictures of the hoop and making sure the webmaster posts the pictures to the webpage so that the customer can view and buy new items. She will also be responsible to get her merchandise to the Pittsburgh store to be put on display and sale.
Gus will be in charge of designing and creating tye dye products such as T shirts, tapestries, shoes, curtains, blankets, and more. Gus will be responsible to take pictures of each of his item and make sure the webmaster posts the pictures to the webpage so customers can shop new items. He will also be in charge of delivering the physical items to the shop.
The webmaster will receive a salary based pay. His duties will be to maintain and/or fix our webpage and any of our technology related to the function of the business.
Each of the shop workers will assist the product designers and carry out in store sales and shop upkeep. They will be paid at an hourly rate of $8. The processing task of clocking in and out will be controlled by our AME Payroll Small Business Software.
We will train our employees through our POS system The Essential Retail System. It comes with one year free telephone support. Therefore, we can call the company for issues regarding our POS system.
Back up plan & storage Daily processing tasks backed up on the server consistently every day. Trend Micro Advanced Software will keep our business information private by locking down USB drives and other storage devices. Also stops data loss through electronic data exchange. Blocks spam, identifies and blocks emerging threats before they can impact our business. IX web hosting allows large amount storage transfer
Our Point of Sale System (POS) will run our daily sales. This will include barcode scanner and inventory update after each sale. Input and output from document Our payroll software AME Payroll will allow employees to clock in and out on register and monitor sales. Therefore aid in payroll management.
Business Plan Pro will run our database. It creates automatic charts/spreadsheets, financial forecasting, and full proof error checking. Along with sample plans and market research from over 9,000 industries. Customer information will need stored in our database. Inventory updates from sales in store and online. Financial accounting updates and supplier contact information/inventory. All of this information will be stored on our HP ProLiant ML 150 Server.
LAN network connection Three company desktop computers with backbone connection to server POS Retail system connected to LAN network as well to enable inventory update
Verizon phone and internet bundle High speed Online back up and sharing Unlimited nation wide calling IX web hosting for up to 8 IP addresses and domain name registration
Copy of Hoops_Shirts_and_More_NEWMISexcelCosts.xlsx