Traemackoulious Phase Two, Group 2
Pimp My Tee "You design it, we Pimp it."
Online Behavior -Teenagers to Middle Age Adults Socially popular websites(facebook/twitter). -google, yahoo, youtube, etc. (an our or two) -Our touchpoint is to make the user feel like their creativity comes to life with fashion. -No because our primary users are computer savvy individuals who are interested in fashion and fall into our broad target audience.
Spreadshirt Purpose: Create your own apparel, create eventful gifts, stylish ideas for creating looks with name brands, and creative children shirts. Usability : Very self explanatory. Easy site directions. Works fast and has simple online purchase instructions. Navigation: Navigation is very easy starting with men and women columns continued with children, accessories, products, gifts and sells. Finding what you need is not hard. Integrated Tactics: The use of social websites such as Facebook, youtube, flicr, twitter.
Spreadshirt Continued.. Design: -Unflashy and a lot of copy. Categorized well for navigation purposes.
Spreadshirt Pros: – Well organized site for easy navigation guidance. – Target audience is separated for identifying user specifics better. Cons: - No good visual data.
Art History 101 The purpose of this website is to allow the consumer to order and design their own custom shirts. All the links and pages work and transitions between them are smooth. The site is very usable, the user can see all they need by the tabs provided on the home page. Online Shipping and Social Media are their main tactics. Pros: Simple and Online Shopping. Also have a store located in Philadelphia. Cons: Can’t custom design online and no account memberships
cheesesteakTees The purpose of this website is to allow the consumer to rep their local pride. All links and tabs work properly. And have a variety of functions and options to meet consumer needs. The site ‘s usability is very because they are able to explore the different functions with ease. The main tactics are social media, free online shipping, orders over $50 and an account membership or sign-ups. Pros: Online Shipping, Local oriented, account membership and a local store down the block from Pimp My Tee. Cons: don’t customize shirts and are limited to local icons and trademarks on clothing.
Self Analysis Purpose: – To give our target’s luxury of designing their own tee behind their own ideas. Analysis: - We want to make our website as easy as possible to navigate through. Our touchpoints for our website will evolve around color, style, fashion, and latest trends exposed all around the homepage to enhance the users creative mind for customizing their own personal tee. We want to change our site depending on the hottest topics, and we want to follow blogs on facebook and twitter to understand our user audience. We feel that navigation and visual data of our products on the site is important for user loyalty.
Persona We want our user online type to be very socially sound and involved in social media websites. Creative minds and fashion savvy individuals will be a particular target for us. We want to target moderate flashy people that like to stand out in crowds.
Persona #1 Brian “B-Boy” Peters “Gotta find a bomb outfit for this party this weekend…Gotta b extra sick and one of a kind” Age: 19 Occupation:Retail Education: College Student Personal Info: Dances as a hobby Sneaker collector Plays videogames Goes to parties Online Behavior: Spends atleast 4-5 hours online a day Has a blog about dancing and sneakers Spends a good amount of time on social networks Likes looking for latest sneakers and clothes
Persona #2 Jane “Philles All Day” Williams “Ready for this Phillies game…maybe I’ll get another Phillies Tee before I go” Age: 24 Occupation: Daily News Education: College Grad Student Personal Info: Watches baseball regularly Goes to the Phillies games whenever she can Likes custom Phillies gear Online Behavior Spends about hours online per week Likes to post pictures of the games she goes to on Facebook Likes to tweet while at the games Avid social media user
Strategy and Positioning We would like the site to project “a cool place to get your clothing customized” We would like to highlight how trendy and fashion forward it is Emphasis on originality and individuality
Site Objective Building online awareness – Working with people who reach out using social media sites Creating relationships with customers outside of Philly
Measures of Success Pimp My Tee must keep their customers loyal – Users must come back to Pimp My Tee Achievable by guaranteeing them a one of a kind custom shirt Minutes per view is key Too complex of a site, the less items are ordered
Tactics Create a one of a kind presence – In and outside of the store – One that will connect with their users – Returning customers will become eligible for deals and discounts – Members can also create content and be rewarded when their content is used
Content Outline Homepage – Navigation Links About Us Contact Us Artists Become a Member “Whip It Up” “Pimp It Out” Webpage changes with the seasons Social Media links – Twitter – Facebook – Tumblr Weekly featured Tee-shirt Limited
Content Outline About Us – Company Overview – What the company is trying to achieve – Mission statement
Content Outline Contact Us – Address – Phone number – Business Hours
Content Outline Artists – Names and bios about the artists at the store – Interests and specialties about each artist – Links for each artist to galleries and individual websites that showcase their art
Content Outline Become A Member – Member sign-up – Features and benefits – Interaction Comments Photos Blogs – Exclusive updates, prizes, etc.
Content Outline “Whip It Up” – User generated ideas for T-shirts – Users can upload their inspiration for T-shirts
Content Outline “Pimp It Out” – Uses can create their own T-shirts – Full Customization – Different T-shirt cuts and styles – Able to upload their own photo to add to their T- shirt