Housing Programs May 2011 Canadian Renovators’ Council Conrad Baumgartner Office of Energy Efficiency - Housing Division Natural Resources Canada
2 Keeping the Heat In Currently: –Text is completed in English –Graphics are being revised Next: –Perform French translation –Prepare for web format Delivery date: –This fiscal year
3 Challenges High efficiency electric tank-type water heaters employing air source heat pumps Air-to-water heat pump packages that offer space heating, domestic hot water and cooling (solar DWH is optional addition)
4 ecoENERGY Retrofit Results to Date Approximate statistics as of May 2011: Over 733,000 pre-retrofit evaluations Over 583,000 post-retrofit evaluations $709M+ already paid $1,392 average grant 22% average energy savings 3 tonnes average GHG savings
5 ecoENERGY Retrofit Results to Date Ontario 1,001 advisors Pre: 433,314 Post:378,488 Grant: $1,415 Quebec 127 advisors Pre: 53,005 Post: 33,631 Grant: $1,407 Manitoba 41 advisors Pre: 20,037 Post: 14,989 Grant: $1,495 Alberta 87 advisors Pre: 33,729 Post: 24,532 Grant: $1,326 Saskatchewan 36 advisors Pre: 44,828 Post: 35,414 Grant: $1,476 NWT 12 advisors Pre: 879 Post: 189 Grant: $1,425 Yukon 4 advisors Pre: 309 Post: 107 Grant: $1,497 B.C. 153 advisors Pre: 73,268 Post: 56,711 Grant: $1,189 PEI 7 advisors Pre: 4,338 Post: 2,169 Grant: $1,353 NFLD-Lab 12 advisors Pre: 4,980 Post: 3,710 Grant: $1,247 Nunavut 0 advisors Pre: 40 Post: Nil Grant: nil New Brunswick 74 advisors Pre: 33,981 Post: 18,963 Grant: $1,175 Nova Scotia 55 advisors Pre: 30,444 Post: 18,590 Grant: $1,350 Canada 1,600+ advisors Pre-Retrofit Evaluations: 733,156 Post-Retrofit Evaluations: 587,493 Average Grant: $1,384
6 Next Generation Housing Standards May 25, 2011 Status Report: R-2000 ENERGY STAR for New Homes – Common Spec ENERGY STAR for New Homes – Next Generation EnerGuide Rating System (ERS)
7 Next Generation Housing Standards R-2000 Status Report Completed final draft of R-2000 Standard will be sent shortly to the Committee for final vote, after which it will be ready for public review. ENERGY STAR for New Homes – Common Spec The Common Technical Specification for Ontario was released in January this year.
8 Next Generation Housing Standards ENERGY STAR for New Homes – Next Generation The Committee has been formed and has held four meetings since December Good progress is being made on addressing key elements for the next generation ESNH. Builder Option Package (BOP) Working Groups for Ontario and Saskatchewan have been formed and are in the process of making recommendations to the Committee on draft BOPs.
9 Next Generation Housing Standards EnerGuide Rating System (ERS) The three subcommittees presented their recommendations to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) last fall. 1.Technical Standard subcommittee – ERS Document 2.Delivery subcommittee – Delivery Recommendation Document 3.Information subcommittee – Information Recommendation document When approved by the PAC, the documents will be posted for public review. (cont.)
10 Next Generation Housing Standards EnerGuide Rating System (ERS) PAC will consider comments received from public review process and modify recommendations as required.
11 Anyone wishing to be kept informed of any of the New Housing activities noted can send an to: Questions? NRCan Office of Energy Efficiency, Housing Division Conrad Baumgartner at