he Workplace Recent Achievements on Domestic Violence and the Workplace: A Report by the Family Violence Prevention Fund
Blue Shield of California Over the past 6 years, Blue Shield Against Violence has promoted workplace responses to domestic violence by offering HR consultation and on-site training at no charge BSAV has served over 100 business clients, including the SF Giants and Macy’s West Sponsored a Strike Out Violence Day at the SF Giants with the FVPF
Nevada CCI In 2002, the team released a Toolkit for Employers and have distributed 600 kits at trainings throughout the state. Have provided trainings to key associations such as the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, the Nevada Association of Employers, and the Nevada Human Resource Association
New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence Provided trainings on dv and the workplace to pueblos in New Mexico Assisted Intel to create a domestic violence policy and to provide training to all of its FABs.
Arizona Employers Against Domestic Violence Created a new organization with over 100 employer members In April, the business community sponsored a Walk To End Domestic Violence in which over 3,000 people walked to raise money for victims of domestic violence
Colorado Bar Association Sponsored more than 50 training sessions in the past year for hundreds of employers in the state Created a website ( business.org) as a resource tool for employers Provide CLE trainings for Attorneys
Domestic Violence Coordinating Council of Greater Omaha Conducting a Top 100 Company Survey to identify needs for employers related to dv and the workplace Working with Wellness Council of the Midland to incorporate domestic violence awareness and training into Well Workplace Award Provided all hospitals with management training on dv and the workplace
Minnesota CCI Created a Toolkit for Employers Kicking off an Executive Briefing and a Partner Achievement Process Certificate Session
Mary Kay’s National Safe and Strategic Technology Project Partnered with the National Network to End Domestic Violence to educate domestic violence victims and organizations about Internet safety.
University of Arkansas Three faculty members from the College of Business received a three year grant from the Department of Justice to study the impact of domestic violence on business The team factors including tardiness, absenteeism, medical expenses, turnover rates and the effects on co-workers
CCI- Louisiana Department of Justice In 2003, provided trainings in 8 regions which were attended by representatives from 117 companies Held CEO conference for business leaders from over one hundred companies Conducted 11 trainings for Clergy as employers Piloting trainings for employees and students of Universities and Colleges
CHOICES and Columbus Coalition Created a 10 minute video for Kroger Grocery Stores. Trained 300 managers and showed the video to thousands of Kroger employees Developed a policy for City of Columbus and trained over 800 supervisors
Greenberg Traurig Trained over 1000 of its workforce on its domestic violence in the workplace policy Worked with the firm’s labor and employment attorneys to develop a domestic violence workplace practice area for its corporate clients Spearheading a forum on Oct 1st for corporate leaders in the Miami area
North Carolina Hosting a Statewide Summit on Domestic Violence For Employers on October 30th, 2003 Conducted Survey with State Batterers Treatment Programs on the impact of battering on the workplace
New York a coalition of employers, unions, and advocates created new website ( Verizon and CWA have trained over 2000 employees in the New York/New England region Lifetime TV, Liz Claiborne and the NCADV created The Times Square Project: Stop Violence Against Women
CIGNA CIGNA’s Working Well team created a “Fax on Demand” service for employees - CIGNA Employees can confidentially order and receive faxes on topics such as “Getting Help - Who to Call.” Created “Violence Awareness Days” program. The program highlights partner violence, general workplace violence, hate crimes, and other violence that affects employees
Commonwealth of Massachusetts 26,789 state agency personnel have received training The HR division has received 4,042 calls requesting consultation on cases related to dv and the workplace 22 employees have been terminated because of dv perpetrated in the workplace
Maine Employers Against Domestic Violence Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield sent out a packet of information on domestic violence and the workplace to ten thousand employers in Maine. Family Crisis Services is completing a study on the impact of batterers on the workplace.