Rita & John Rita Platt is a Nationally Board Certified teacher. Her experience includes teaching learners of all levels from kindergarten to graduate student. She currently is a Library Media & Reading Specialist for the St. Croix Falls SD in Wisconsin, teaches graduate courses for the Professional Development Institute, and consults with local school districts. John Wolfe is a teacher on special assignment for the Multilingual Department at the Minneapolis Public School District. He has worked with students at all levels as well as provided professional development to fellow teachers. His areas of expertise include English Language Learners, literacy, and integrated technology.
Relax … Everything (and more) is on The Wiki m/
Margarita Calderon 9 Factors that Contribute to Long- Term English Learners (Hint: 5 of them are Reading-Related)
Richard Allington: To become proficient readers a steady diet of easy texts
The MCA as a really bad measure of EL ability … and why
The MCA as bad for EL’s continued … The reading passages are virtually all at or above grade level
Claude Goldenberg on the research basis that reading strategies tend not to work for ELs
David T. Willingham: Reading Strategies give a one-time boost to comprehension … after that, it’s about vocabulary, background knowledge, and reading practice
Rod Ellis on weak evidence for effectiveness of group work for English Language Development ephemeral tends not to result in focus on language “Notable disadvantages”
Keith Folse on Vocabulary Myths Myth 1: In learning another language, vocabulary is not as important as grammar or other areas. Myth 2: Using word lists to learn second language vocabulary is unproductive. Myth 3: Presenting new vocabulary in semantic sets facilitates learning. Myth 4: The use of translations to learn new vocabulary should be discouraged. Myth 5: Guessing words from context is an excellent strategy for learning second language vocabulary. Myth 6: The learners make use of one or two really good specific vocabulary learning strategies. Myth 7: The best dictionary for second language learners is a monolingual dictionary. Myth 8: Teachers, textbooks, and curricula cover second language vocabulary adequately.
James Milton (2009) 2000-word vocabulary = you know 80% of words in a typical text To hit 95% of text = 12,000-word vocabulary
James Milton (2009) The research universally supports acquiring vocabulary through bilingual vocabulary lists
National Literacy Panel on EL Literacy (2006) Oral Language Development = the only way to drive EL Reading
Goldenberg (2010) on Oral Language Instruction Research says that for long-term gains oral interaction tasks MUST require accuracy it’s NOT ENOUGH for accuracy to simply help the task task design = impossible without ACCURACY
2010 Research- based recommendatio ns from California
Huge California study shows six school factors that result in EL success
On a famous IQ-study with children, IQ test 1 = three groups (high, middle & low IQ students) Edlund offers 1 M&M for each correct answer High & Middle scores don’t change Low IQ scores go up18 points
John Hattie’s 2011 Visible Learning for Teachers is the single best book of the 21 st century for becoming a better teacher
Next year, MPS will use RTT Mobile Interpretation to create =an “audio library” of content- support in multiple languages … watch the WIKI … we’re going to share all of them