Opinion Writing in Primary: Which Should We Drink— whole milk, 2%, or skim? Adapted by Jean Wolph from NWP i3 materials
Which milk should we drink? What do we think? Let’s list our ideas on a class chart. Which Milk Should We Drink?
Taste Test! Can you tell the difference?
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Let’s capture what we noticed about the 3 kinds of milk we tasted. Whole Milk2% MilkSkim Milk
Which milk should we drink? Regular milk, or whole milk, is high in fat. Almost half of the total calories in whole milk are fat calories. Whole milk has 8 grams of fat per cup. Two percent milk has 4 or 5 grams of fat per cup. Skim milk is fat-free. It has 0 grams of fat per cup. From
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Now Let’s Add to Our Class Chart: Which Milk Should We Drink? Which Milk Should We Drink? We should drink ______ because _________.
Which milk should we drink? The American Academy of Pediatrics says fat is important for brain development in young children. Ages 1-2: Whole milk is recommended. Ages 2-4: It’s okay to switch to a lower-fat milk, such as 2 percent milk. Ages 4-5: It’s good to drink 2 percent or skim milk. Why? It lowers fat intake, manages weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases later in life. Facts from
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Now Let’s Add to Our Class Chart: Which Milk Should We Drink? Which Milk Should We Drink? We should drink ______ because _________.
YOUR TURN! Which Milk Should We Drink? We should drink ___________ because ____________. This is your CLAIM. It’s your opinion, backed by EVIDENCE.
Sharing Read your claim to your partner. Did you change your mind during our investigation? Why or why not?