Introducing The Material Handling Industry Every product you’ve ever used, from televisions to tennis shoes, has been manufactured, stored and shipped to you with the help of the material handling industry.
Who we are… In the United States alone, material handling is a $156 billion industry employing more than 700,000 people. In the United States alone, material handling is a $156 billion industry employing more than 700,000 people. Despite its size, material handling remains largely unknown as an industry because its work is done behind the scenes of the greater supply chain. Despite its size, material handling remains largely unknown as an industry because its work is done behind the scenes of the greater supply chain.
What we do… Material handling is the ONLY industry that touches every product as it moves through the global supply chain to the consumer. Material handling is the ONLY industry that touches every product as it moves through the global supply chain to the consumer. The world’s most successful companies use material handling solutions to gain a competitive edge by improving their customer service efficiency, improving productivity and maximizing growth and profits. The world’s most successful companies use material handling solutions to gain a competitive edge by improving their customer service efficiency, improving productivity and maximizing growth and profits.
Industries Served… Food & Grocery Products Food & Grocery Products Electronics Electronics Automotive Automotive Retail Retail Construction & Building Materials Construction & Building Materials Pharmaceuticals & Health Care Pharmaceuticals & Health Care
How material handling works… Material handling uses a broad array of equipment, systems, services and expertise to move products through the supply chain such as: Material handling uses a broad array of equipment, systems, services and expertise to move products through the supply chain such as: automation, information technology, automatic identification, lifting equipment, storage equipment, conveying equipment, facilities design and planning, ergonomic and safety equipment, sustainable and green solutions.
From Assembly Lines…. Forklift trucks, automated guided vehicles, and conveyors are all moving product from one place to another in today’s industrial plants.
To Warehouses… Storage and retrieval systems, shelving, racks, mezzanines, carousels, bar coding, radio frequency identification devices and data collection are just some of the solutions in today’s dynamic material handling industry.
From Front Offices… Automated computerized control systems are stocking, identifying, storing, retrieving, moving and accounting for all of today’s products…in the plants, on the road, in the store…making sure the right product is available when needed.
To Back Docks… The latest in wrapping equipment, packaging and unitizing systems are all helping today’s companies protect and ship their valuable products and materials, and it’s all part of material handling.
How you can participate… Thousands of career opportunities with competitive compensation and rewarding incentives are available in this exciting industry. Thousands of career opportunities with competitive compensation and rewarding incentives are available in this exciting industry. Overheard from a material handling salesperson: “I love going to customer sites, dealing with people and seeing all the different applications for material handling equipment. It’s a rare day when I see the same thing twice, and I really like that part of the job.” Overheard from a material handling salesperson: “I love going to customer sites, dealing with people and seeing all the different applications for material handling equipment. It’s a rare day when I see the same thing twice, and I really like that part of the job.”
Consider a career in the material handling industry… Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Project Management Project Management Operations Management Operations Management Systems Integration Systems Integration Customer Service Customer Service Information Technology Information Technology Facility Planning & Design Facility Planning & Design Human Resources Human Resources Finance Finance
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