Introduction to the Ten Commandments Confirmed in the Faith Series B Lesson 9
How God Gave His Law He wrote it in the heart of man (natural law). He wrote it on the tablets of stone at Mt. Sinai (written law).
How God Gave His Law The Law God gave on Mt. Sinai can be divided into three parts: 1) Civil Law = how Israel should be governed 2) Ceremonial Law = how Israel should worship 3) Moral Law = how ALL should live Only the Moral Law is written on our heart and applies to us today.
How God Gave His Law From our conscience we know about the Moral Law written in our hearts.
Why God Gave His Law To remind us of our sinfulness and our need for the Savior. We have “trespassed” or “transgressed” against God. (The Law is a MIRROR) To teach us how we can serve God in thankfulness after we have come to believe in Jesus and are free to serve Him. (The Law is a GUIDE)
What God’s Law Emphasizes Commandments 1-3 say: Love God above all else Commandments 4-10 say: Love your neighbor as yourself
What God’s Law Emphasizes LOVE GOD NEIGHBOR Love is the fulfillment of the Law
How Believers in Jesus Feel about God’s Law They don’t look upon obeying it as a heavy burden. They know they can’t earn heaven by obeying it. They want to obey it to show love toward God who loved them first by sending Jesus.
The Value of God’s Law (His Commandments) Obeying the Law DOES NOT help us to get… redeemed = set free from sin, death & devil justified = “not guilty” in God’s eyes forgiven = pardoned saved = rescued, delivered, made safe
The Value of God’s Law (His Commandments) Justification, redemption, forgiveness, salvation, heaven all come only through…
The Value of God’s Law (His Commandments) Obeying the Law IS a part of our becoming… more sanctified = set apart for godly living more like Jesus while we are still on earth more happy and content in our own living