M INI -M E ! Laura A. Max T. Maritza R.
S URPRISING S TATISTICS 58 Million Overweight 40 Million Obese 3 Million Morbidly Obese 80% Americans over 25 are overweight
M ISLEADING W EIGHT - LOSS Majority of weight-loss programs inefficient Side-effects “Not right for everyone” Temporary solution Mini-Me is different
Find your M INI - ME !
T ARGET A UDIENCE Adults looking to lose weight Men’s Health, People, US Weekly, Health, Self, Shape, and Prevention
P RINT A D – B ROKEN D OWN Ethos Voted #1 Weight Loss System by APHA Logos Guaranteed 30 lb. loss in 6-weeks Pathos “Don’t struggle with weight loss any longer!”
TV C OMMERCIAL Actor: Jennifer Hudson SCRIPT [Hudson sitting on blue chair, directly facing camera, normal lighting] H UDSON : For years I have struggled with weight- loss. I’ve tried every program, every pill, every energy bar, but none of it works. That’s when I heard of Mini-Me. [Stands and begins to walk towards screen, camera pans outwards and moves with her.] H UDSON : Mini-Me is a weight-loss gum that keeps you from snacking and over-eating.
SCRIPT CONT. H UDSON : Mini-Me gum is revolutionary because it targets the most vulnerable part of our of our digestive system: our brain. By suppressing your appetite, the gum tricks your brain into avoiding unhealthy eating habits such as snacking and overeating. Rather than fighting the side effects of overeating through exercise and dieting, Mini-Me fights the causes of overeating directly. Unlike other weight-loss programs, there are no side-effects, and the solution is permanent. Not only does Mini-Me control your hunger, but it endorses a healthy lifestyle. [Screen switches to show a white screen with the Mini-Me logo, slogan, and web address] [Jennifer Hudson provides voiceover] H UDSON : Join us at Mini-Me.org to learn more about nutritional meals and a healthy life that will help you find your “Mini-Me!”
T ARGET A UDIENCE Adults looking to lose weight NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX
TV C OMMERCIAL – B ROKEN D OWN Ethos Jennifer Hudson as actor Logos Scientific explanation of gum Pathos Jennifer Hudson tells own story of struggle with weight-loss
M INI - ME S UMMARIZED ! Directly targets the cause No side-effects Permanent solution Endorses healthy lifestyle Simple and easy!