Two Ways to Know if a Tsunami is Coming: Natural Warnings ground shaking, a loud ocean roar, or the water receding unusually far exposing the sea floor are all nature’s warnings that a tsunami may be coming. If you observe any of these warning signs, immediately walk to higher ground or inland. A tsunami may arrive within minutes and damaging surges are likely to occur for at least 12 hours and possibly longer. Stay away from coastal areas until officials permit you to return. Official Warnings You may be notified that a Tsunami Warning has been issued via TV, radio stations, door-to-door contact by emergency responders, NOAA weather radios, or in some cases, by outdoor sirens and announcements from airplanes. Move away from the beach and seek more information without using a phone. Tune into local radio or television stations for more information. Follow the directions of emergency personnel who may ask you to evacuate low-lying coastal areas.
Run For Your Life! ‘We are make use from the natural warnings; alert the people via SMS using USSD technology’ When a Tsunami approaches ‘An unusual lowering of ocean water’, exposing the sea floor, is a warning of a Tsunami or other large waves. This “draw back” means the water will surge back strongly. So by using an automated “ocean water level meter” we can identify an unusual sudden water drop. Then without any delay the device will send two messages by using GPS and LBS technology; one to the natural disaster center of the particular country and the other one to the mobile service providers of that country. Within few seconds, using the USSD technology, those mobile service providers can send an alert message to the customers all over the country without any conformation of any authorities. Especially, The system uses a model that helps to decrease the time convey the message to the respective people and saves thousands of life all over the world. Run for your life is an un official warning alert that spread out on right time
Tsunami Warnings usually issued via radio, television, telephone, door-to-door contact by emergency responders, NOAA weather radios, or in some cases by outdoor sirens. Some developed countries are using web applications as well. Meanwhile mobile usage has been increased and in Sri Lanka more number of mobile has been used than population; all the people in Sri Lanka are access to some kind of mobile phone. I propose following unique features in my solution: USSD based SMS: Therefore we can serves to people with even an ordinary phone. Because, not all the people have smart phones, especially in the coastal area. Automated notification: therefore there is no place for human errors or rumors. Highly reliable Location based awareness: by using LBS technology messages can be send as location based SMS. Therefore the authority can also mention the safest high ground near by. Surface buoys acoustically connected to bottom pressure sensors provide sea level data in the open ocean. Gauges near the coast also provide sea level information.
I plan to implement this in USSD method. Very simple text form SMS based system because this service should available for everyone without any partiality. The water level meter should fix with a GPS base system to locate and a signal transmitter to transfer a signal to the authorities. And the mobile service providers can use LBS (location based service) to send the using LBS technology mobile service providers can send the location of the nearby safest place from a danger zone. I design the system by giving more power to the mobile service providers. They don’t want to wait until any government commands because the alert came from an automated device so the place for error is very less. In future “Surface buoys ” (the water level meter) should attached with a loud siren. Because if some fisherman going far into sea they may disconnect from the mobile coverage area. Therefore they didn’t get the SMS that send by the mobile service providers. If they listen the siren sound they can understand the situation and do what they have to do. Simply just stay in the middle sea..!
Mainly the biggest barrier is government and the mobile service providers should formalize this system. Then only peoples can consider about it. So first of all the natural disaster centers should aware the public about this system by advertising. Then we have to maintain the localization features, peoples may not understand English. So the SMS should be send in local languages and by using LBS we can send messages in different languages according to the subscribers preferred language of instruction. Next some time sudden water draw back may not bring the Tsunami but ocean drawback is not a normal thing so the alert should be send. Next barrier is People may misuse the SMS service as a rumor spreading forward message medium. Therefore the SMS must design as read only type message and should reduce the control over the message. Barriers and solutions in Run For Your Life!
Impact of Run For Your Life! in next few years Now a days we can see natural disasters very we can implement the same system to all other disaster detecting devices. For an example if use the same system to an earthquake reader; when the device detect a violent vibration it will use the same SMS system with a deferent type of alert messages. Similarly for the cyclones and so the same time government and organizations can keep touch with the public any time so the services, helps and distributions can reach the public using my concept we can’t save the properties and economical lost. But we can reduce the loss of valuable human life. So people can rebuild the nation faster than before and live a normal life much quick as possible.