Regional Computing Centre for Particle Physics Institute of Physics AS CR (FZU) TIER2 of LCG (LHC Computing Grid) 1M. Lokajicek29.8.2011 Dell Presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Computing Centre for Particle Physics Institute of Physics AS CR (FZU) TIER2 of LCG (LHC Computing Grid) 1M. Lokajicek Dell Presentation

Outline Mission of the centre General infrastructure (electricity, cooling, network) Capacities and services People and financing Conclusion 2

Mission of the centre Who we are? – Regional Computing Centre for Particle Physics Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague Basic research in particle physics, solid state physics and optics What are we doing? – Computing support for big international Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Astro-particle Physics experiments using grid environment D0, ATLAS, ALICE, STAR, AUGER, Belle (CESNET) WLCG TIER2 centre – Solid State Physics computing – From the computing point of view: High Throughput Computing (HPC), large data samples processing, chaotic data analysis (by physicists), parallel computing Our users? – Collaborating scientists from institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Charles University and Czech Technical University and others – Big experiments (grid environment), individual members of the international experiments, local physicists CESNET (Czech Research Network Provider) – NGI (National Grid Initiative) of EGI (European Grid Initiative) – Delivers special point-to-point computer lines 3

Computing Centre Infrastructure Network connections – 1 Gb/s to European GEANT2 – 10 Gb/s to CESNET – CESNET – optical lines E2E FNAL, TAIPEI, GRIDKA FZK Karlsruhe, BNL FZÚ, UK, ČVUT, ÚJF Řež 4 Total electric power – For computers 200 kVA UPS engine generator 380 kVA – Air cooling 2x55 kW – Water cooling in units STULZ, 2x88 kVA Total 290 kVA (N+1)

Contribution to Tier2s in ATLAS + ALICE idsite/accounting/CESGA/coun try_view.html Long term slide from 2006 for unavailable regular financing From 2008 regular financing from grants (substantial capacity increase in all other Tier2s) 5

RAW Capacities in FZU HEPSPEC2006%TB disk% D ATLAS ALICE (60 Řež) D ATLAS (16 MFF)77 ALICE (60 Řež)21 6

ATLAS D0 ALICE jobs Center for Particle Physics in Prague Delivering substantial capacities to D0 – second largest contribution to the experiment from external laboratories, ATLAS 2%, ALICE 7% (very good numbers), and others experiments AUGER VO created in Prague Support for Tier3 centers at Prague institutes and Universities Today’s capacity 23 kHEPSPEC2006, cores 1,7 PB disc space LCG capacities cores, 100 PB disk, >140 centers worldwide -> Prague belongs to bigger centers AUGER Running jobs

D0 Monte Carlo production and physics analysis D0 MC 2010 MC simulations in external laboratories – FZU 486M events, 2nd largest after IN2P3, 1300 concurrent jobs (2M jobs/year), 55 TB sent to FNAL Physics analysis – PHD Theses – done in Prague 8

Observation of a Centrality-Dependent Dijet Asymmetry in Lead-Lead Collisions at  s NN = 2.76 TeV with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC Colleagues from Charles University (2 of 4 main authors) made the computing at our farm. 9

Operation, Financing Operation Centre is operated by SAVT (computing department of FZU) – Together with other computing services for FZU Our services run by 3-4 FTE Contact person from each experiment in close contact with operation staff Financing FZU – Construction, power infrastructure (UPS, Generator), cooling by FZU, 20 MCZK in 2003/4 – Operation, electricity HEP research grants – Computing capacities – Regular financing from 2008 (MoU with LCG) 6 MCZK per year 10

Conclusion Long term activity starting in 2001 with European GRID project EDG Most of personnel are it-professionals Successful operation for experiments – Institute support for farm construction and operation – Grants for computing capacities Visible Grid and non-grid computing services for HEP experiments and Czech collaborating institutes and physicists – Substantial support to our physicists and students in analysis competition 11

10:00 Introductions/Welcome – Prague Regional Computing Centre for Particle Physics 10:15-10:45 Jan Švec: FZU Computing Centre 10:45-12:30 Roger Goff: – HPC Technology – Future X86-64 Processor Technology – Green HPC – Co-processor Technology – Storage Technology (SSDs, LHC file system solutions) 12:30-13:00 Visit of the Centre 12