Histamine Formation in Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) Walter Staruszkiewicz FDA-College Park, MD
Experimental Objectives Determine the rate of histamine formation in large tuna held postmortem in seawater. Determine the rate of histamine formation in large tuna held postmortem in seawater. Determine the distribution of histamine that forms within the muscle of large tuna. Determine the distribution of histamine that forms within the muscle of large tuna. Compare the temperature reduction of large tuna in ice vs. eviscerated tuna packed in ice. Compare the temperature reduction of large tuna in ice vs. eviscerated tuna packed in ice.
Experimental Design Begin studies with live fish. Begin studies with live fish. Each fish becomes a unique specimen. Each fish becomes a unique specimen. Bracket the conditions which may exist when poor handling practices occur. Bracket the conditions which may exist when poor handling practices occur. Maintain control of each experimental step. Maintain control of each experimental step.
Collection of Tuna Grenada
Yellowfin Tuna Yellowfin Tuna Grenada 2004 & 2005
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Yellowfin Tuna at 29 °C; 2004 Grenada Pack Hist, ppm
Biogenic Amines in YF Tuna (ppm) Hours 28 °C SW Cadaverine Lower Loin Upper Loin Histamine Lower Loin Upper Loin
Cooling Rates For Large Tuna [hours to reach 10 °C (50 °F)] Ice Ice (n=8) (n=8) Slush Ice Slush Ice (n= 5) GG & Ice GG & Ice (n=5) (n=5) Avg= 14 hr Avg = 18 hr Avg = 11 hr Range 9-21 hr Range hr Range 9-13 hr
Whole Caribbean 125 lb Yellowfin Tuna Chilled in Ice
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Yellowfin Tuna at 30 °C; 2005 Grenada Pack Hist, ppm
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Yellowfin Tuna Loins at 30 °C; 2005 Grenada Pack Hist, ppm
Maximum Cadaverine and Putrescine Concentrations in Yellowfin Tuna at 30 °C Seawater ppm
Effects of reduced initial temperatures. Initial slush ice Bath Temp HoursHistamine none 10 °C 242 None 15 °C none 20 °C °C
Bigeye Tuna Bigeye Tuna Hawaii 2005
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Bigeye Tuna Incubated in 26 °C Seawater
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Bigeye Tuna Incubated in 29 °C Seawater
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Bigeye Tuna Loins from Fish Incubated in 26 °C Seawater
Maximum Histamine Concentrations in Bigeye Tuna Loins from Fish Incubated in 29 °C Seawater
Cadaverine Concentrations in Tuna After Incubation at 26 °C (79 °F) [Avg of max concentrations in fish]
Hours to Cool Big Eye Tuna in Ice Target G&G Fish (N= 4) Round Fish (N= 5) 21 °C Average25.5 Range 1.5 to to 8 10 °C Average7.614 Range 5.5 to 9 11 to 19 Time (hrs.) from start of cooling
Effect of Evisceration of Tuna Max. histamine, ppm Temperature Time in SW (Hrs) GG Fish Round Fish Control fish 01 1, 2 18 °C (65 °F) °C (79 °F) 9 0, , 8 179, , , , °C (85 °F)
Effect of Chilling Fish Before Incubation in Sea Water (Max histamine, ppm) 10°C (50 °F) 26 °C (79 °F) GG Fish Round Fish 012 5, 8 179, , , ,
Time in Hours to Reach Histamine Concentrations of 50 and 200 ppm. Specie Incubation Temp. Method of Cooling Histamine, ppm Yellowfin 30 °C Ice 9 + GG 12 + Bigeye 26 °C Ice GG Bigeye 29 °C Ice 6 + GG 12 +
References Effects of On-Board Handling …..Staruszkiewicz., et al, J Food Protection, January 2004 Effects of On-Board Handling …..Staruszkiewicz., et al, J Food Protection, January 2004 GC Method for Putrescine & Cadaverine … Rogers & Staruszkiewicz, JAOAC 80 (3) pp , GC Method for Putrescine & Cadaverine … Rogers & Staruszkiewicz, JAOAC 80 (3) pp , 1997.