Taking gender equality and health equity work with men and boys to scale Sida Development Talk, Stockholm, September 16 th, 2013 Dean Peacock, Executive Director Sonke Gender Justice Network, Co-Chair MenEngage Alliance
Established in August 2006, with 90 staff working in South Africa, 20 African countries and across the world from Johannesburg, Cape Town, Gugulethu, Bushbuckridge and Pretoria. Sonke uses a mix of social change strategies—community education and mobilisation, legal and policy reform, mass media, networking, and organisational development—to achieve gender equality, address HIV and AIDS and promote human rights.
Building on and expanding from group education approaches Solid body of research showing that well designed group interventions can bring about important changes in men’s gender and health related practices. Most group interventions small scale, short-term and reach modest number of people. Achieving gender equality at societal level requires increasing scale, impact and sustainability of work at the local, national and global levels.
Taking gender equality work with men to scale: community mobilisation, communications and policy approaches
Mass Media:
Community Media: Radio, CTV, Murals, PhotoVoice and Digital Storytelling
Policy approaches
Increasing Scale, Sustainability and Impact: “Direct”/Civil Society approaches. Policy can be used to strengthen the capacity, reach sustainability of NGOs and CBOs working with men. Policy can be used by government to embed evidence based approaches into work of government departments: community health workers, social development outreach workers, local sports authorities. –Requires careful attention to training of expanded implementing staff to ensure quality and replicability.
Policy Approaches to Increasing Scale, Sustainability and Impact Policy approaches can focus on integrating gender transformative work with men into existing policy frameworks: –National AIDS plans –Comprehensive ban on corporal punishment –Provision of psychosocial support in schools for children exposed to violence –Laws and policies to reduce alcohol access and consumption: taxes, outlet density, drink driving –Gun policy: reducing and controlling access.
The SA NSP recognises that gender norms: ‘discourage men from accessing HIV, STI and TB services, contribute to violence against women, multiple partnerships and...encourage alcohol consumption’. In response it is proposed, ‘A comprehensive national social and behavioural change communication (SBCC) strategy must serve to increase demand and uptake of services, to promote positive norms and behaviours and to challenge those that place people at risk’ Challenge the gender norms that influence ‘delaying sexual debut; reducing multiple and concurrent sexual partnerships’. ‘These strategies must also address the gender norms that equate alcohol consumption with masculinity’. Importantly, it is noted that the roll-out of MMC should include gender sensitisation. (NSP, pp. 23, 39 & 41)
Defuse men’s resistance to gender laws and policies MAGE work on the three gender acts in Sierra Leone MASVAW’s work on the 2005 DVA in India Sonke’s work to educate men on the 2007 SOA and the Traditional Courts Bill.
Challenge laws and policies that undermine gender equality
Making Policies Work: Working with Women’s Rights Partners to Monitor Implementation and Promote Accountability Essential to support, monitor and hold government and private sector accountable for implementation of laws and policies. SAB Miller and Liquor Act Monitoring CGE, Judiciary, JICS and NSP Men’s advocacy visibility important Accountability work generates media and shifts norms.
Changing Policy at the Global Level Some examples: 1.UNAIDS Agenda for Accelerated Country Action on Women, Girls and HIV and resultant global meetings with 90 countries on integration of gender into NSPs. 2.Kenya and the International Criminal Court? 3.The post 2015 MDG/SDG Agenda
Call for Action: Post 2015 Agenda Engage men as partners in efforts to improve women’s economic empowerment (incl. in microcredit programmes) UN GoalsPriorities Sample Indicators Work with men and boys to prevent GBV % of men who tell their partners what they earn % of men and women who report joint decision making on financial decisions % of men’s income dedicated to the household Encourage men’s contribution to caregiving (including parental leave) % of youth who witness and/or experience violence in their household % of men who hold rape supportive attitudes % of men who know about and support existing GBV laws % of children with paternal registration at birth # of average weekly hours spent providing care for children and others
Call for Action: Post 2015 Agenda Engage the education sector in addressing gender inequality Increase comprehensive gender equality and rights education in schools for both boys and girls (which includes GBV) UN GoalsPriorities Sample Indicators % of youth who believe in gender equality % of youth who exhibit homophobic attitudes % of youth who participate in gender equality education programs in secondary school % of schools offering gender equality education programs % of youth who witness or experience violence in their educational environment # of countries that have outlawed corporal punishment % of boys and girls who believe sexual violence is permissible % of boys and girls who complete secondary education
Call for Action: Post 2015 Agenda Address men’s health and health-seeking behaviour Engaging men as supportive partners in the promotion of SRHR, maternal health and in the prevention of HIV UN GoalsPriorities Sample Indicators Engage men and boys in efforts to end GBV in conflict and post- conflict settings (including creating non-violent male identities and understanding livelihood & trauma needs) Life expectancy, men and women % of men testing for HIV % men tested who return for result Proportion of contraceptive use, male versus female DALY, men and women % of men accompany partner to prenatal visit % men present during childbirth % men support contraceptive use %men ashamed due to lack of work % of men, women experiencing traumatic event due to conflict % men using physical/sexual violence % men and boys witness and/or experiencing sexual violence & men psychological effects of conflict