What you mean by fuel Additive? Any substance added in small amounts to something else to improve, strengthen, or otherwise alter it. Fuel additive? Fuel additive is defined as they are compounds formulated to enhance the quality and efficiency of the fuels used in motor vehicle
Requirements of additives? it must be effective in desired reaction it should be soluble in fuel under all condition. it should be stable in storage and have no adverse effect on fuel stability. it should be in the liquid phase at normal temperature,and volatile to give rapid vaporization in manifold it must not produce any harmful deposits. its water solubility must be maintain to minimize handling loses
Types of Additives
1.Tetra ethyl Lead (TEL) significantly improve octane rating poisonous, oily liquid, Pb(C 2 H 5 ) 4, was added to gasoline for internal-combustion engines as an antiknock agent. It will delay auto ignition and allow it to occur at a high temperature.
How TEL works ? Lead is heavy element and can exist in a number of different oxide forms able to absorb the energy released within the end gas during chain branching reaction of fuel and oxygen prior to ignition delay the process of spontaneous ignition,and permit the spark –ignited flame to travel normally
Disadvantage of Tel Lead clogs catalytic converter The Earth became covered in a thin layer of lead increase the NO x levels in the exhaust It also requires an increase in fuel consumption
2. Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) MTBE is the principal oxygenate and octane boosting additive It is an oxygenate meaning that it adds oxygen to the reaction when it burns. Ideally, an oxygenate reduces the amount of unburned hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide in the exhaust. It boosts octane
Disadvantage of methyl Tertiary butyl ether MTBE is that it is thought to be carcinogenic it mixes easily with water and low sorption onto soils
3. Antiknock additives Knocking is due to chain branching reaction which produce highly energized particles or radicals. result of breaking of chain reaction, thereby delaying the auto-ignition of the end mixture and permitting the normal flame to pass through it without combustion knock. increase octane number
4. Carburetor Detergent Additives The dust, soot, and smoke carried into the engine with the incoming air tend to cause deposition in manifold and carburetor prevent formation of these deposit and remove existing deposits.
5.Ethanol extend the life of our oil reserves Ethanol is soluble in gasoline addition of ethanol helps the combustion process Disadvantage ethanol makes the engine leaner production of pure anhydrous ethanol is difficult and expensive
Some of the additives and there function Additive Antiknock compounds Scavengers Combustion chamber Function -Increases octane number -Removes combustion products of antiknock compounds -Suppresses surface ignition and spark plug deposit modifiers fouling
Some of the additives and there function Antioxidants Metal deactivators Anti-rust agents Anti-icing agents Detergents -Provides storage stability -Supplements storage stability -Prevents rusting in gasoline-handling systems -Suppresses carburetor and fuel system freezing -Controls carburetor and induction system cleanliness
Some of the additives and there function Upper cylinder lubricants Dyes -Lubricates upper cylinder areas and controls intake system deposits -Indicates presence of antiknock compounds and identifies makes and grades of gasoline
Commonly used fuel additives are Ether -extensively as starting fluid for many difficult-to-start engines, especially diesel engines Ether Nitrous oxide- or simply nitrous, is an oxidizer used in auto racing Nitrous oxide Nitromethane,- high-performance racing fuel Nitromethane Acetone - a vaporization additive, mainly used with methanol racing fuel to improve vaporisation at start up Acetone Butyl rubber- (as polyisobutylen succinimi, detergent to prevent fouling of diesel Butyl rubber fue l injectors Picrate- improves combustion, increases fuel mileage Picrate Silicone - an anti-foaming agent for diesel fuel, but may damage oxygen sensors in gasoline engines Silicone Tetranitromethane - can increase the cetane number of diesel fuel, improving its combustion properties Tetranitromethane
Benefits associated with the use of fuel additives.Alter the engine performance - boost the octane level. Less Engine maintenance -preventing the buildup of sludge and other deposits in different areas of the engine.. Minimize corrosion -antiknock agents to ease the stress on engine piston
HEALTH EFFECTS OF ADDITIVES _ Cardiovascular or Blood Toxicant _ Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicant _ Neurotoxicant _ Respiratory Toxicant _ Skin or Sense Organ Toxicant