Q.O.D Explain the connection between Judaism and Christianity. For tonight, finish reading the Christianity packet. There will be a quiz of sorts on Wednesday on the reading.
The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the new faith
Key Terms: Christianity ConstantineRoman Emperor SaulConvert/Letter writer RomeCenter of Early church ResurrectionJesus rises from dead Martin LutherGerman Priest ReformationTried to fix church CrusadesHoly Wars SacramentsSacred rituals
EucharistLast Supper GospelLife of Jesus ProtestantUpset with corruption CatholicWestern church OrthodoxEastern church CathedralGrand church EasterImportant holiday NativityBirth of Jesus
History of Christianity Important Events
Christianity: The Basics Founder(s): Jesus of Nazareth, Peter, Paul of Tarsus. Place founded: Palestine Followers: Over 2 billion Major sects: Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant (many denominations) Sacred Texts: The Bible (Old and New Testaments)
Original Languages: Aramaic,Greek, Latin. Type of Theism: Trinitarian Monotheism Ultimate Reality: One God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) How to live: Have faith in the one true God and Christ’s resurrection, do good works, participate in the sacraments. Major Holidays: Christmas, Easter.
Q.O.D Compare the two pictures and list at least three differences:
Constantine Constantine the Great (Latin: Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus; February 272 – 22 May 337), also known as Constantine I or Saint Constantine, was Roman Emperor from 306 to 337. Well known for being the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, Constantine and co-Emperor Licinius issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed tolerance of all religions throughout the empire.
Celebration Time!!! There are seven question on the quiz. Choose three of them and answer them to the best of your ability. You can answer a fourth one for extra credit if you wish.
At the top of your paper, rate yourself on a 1-5 scale as far as how well you read the packet. A 5 would mean that your read and studies the entire packet. A 1 would mean “did we get a packet?”
Important Dates in Christianity 33/35 CE: Crucifixion of Jesus CE: Missionary work by Paul of Tarsus CE: Writing of the Gospels 66 CE (Nero)- 313 (Diocletian): Persecution of Christians in Rome. 313 CE: Constantine issues Edict of Milan which forbids persecution of Christians.
Paul of Tarsus Constantine
325 CE: Council of Nicea. Unification/standardization of the Christian faith. 367 CE: First Christian Bible is compiled CE: Final split (Great Schism) between the Eastern and Western Church CE: Pope Urban II calls for the first Crusade to “liberate” Jerusalem from the Muslims.
First Crusade Great Schism
1517 CE. Martin Luther protests corruption within the Church. Begins the Protestant Reformation CE. Henry VIII starts the Anglican Church (Church of England).
Henry the VIII Martin Luther
Christianity Illustrated Timeline Choose at least ten events from the reading I gave you and create a timeline that contains at least four illustrations.