The question centers on objects, organisms, and events in the natural world. The question connects to scientific concepts rather than to opinions, feelings, or beliefs. The question can be investigated using available technology and resources. The question leads to gathering evidence and using data to explain how the natural world works.
“Who is a better performer, Lady Gaga or Madonna?” is not testable because it centers on opinion. “Are fairies real?” is not testable because it involves the supernatural. “Is there life on other planets?” is not testable because we currently lack the technology to investigate other planets.
“Which has more sugar, Coke or Pepsi?” “Do phosphates in the water encourage algae growth? “Does running the air conditioner or driving with windows down use more gas?”
Which is a smarter dog breed, Labradors or Poodles? Who can hold a note longer, Madonna or Lady Gaga? Which brand of paper towel is better, Bounty or Brawny? Will using fertilizer make plants grow faster?
Sometimes questions can be made testable with a little work. For example, How can we make one of our un- testable questions testable? “Which brand of paper towels is better: Bounty or Brawny?”