SUSTAINABLE PROCESS INDUSTRY EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL COMPETTIVENESS THROUGH RESOURCE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY SPIRE Brokerage event October 22 nd 2013 “New inline measurements and closed loop process control of high temperature processes”
2 VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut (BFI) is one of the leading European providers of application-focused R&D in the field of steelmaking and neighbored industries loca- ted in Düsseldorf, Germany, with a staff of 130 people. BFI's field of activities covers the entire production process chain, from charged materials to the final products. Core competences lie in the fields of process engineering, energy and resources and measurement techniques / process automation. Division “Measurement & Automation”: Measurements in the liquid phase Measurements in the solid phase Process automation in liquid phase Process automation in solid phase Quality Control and Information technology VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH Sohnstrasse Düsseldorf Germany Organization Measuring, testing (process and product, mechatronics, always online) Control (setup, open loop, closed loop, manual support) Monitoring, supervision, diagnosis, optimisation HMI, communication, protocols, data acquisition, Data Mining, etc. especially „through-process“ ….
Project Idea Concept 1.Relevant Call: SPIRE 1 “Integrated Process Control” 2.High temperature processes (> 500°C; in steel area e.g. sinter process, blast furnace, scrap melting, secondary metallurgy; in other industries ….) 3.Local and distributed processes with uncertainties regarding quantity and quality of input materials; sometimes long dead times, non-linear process behaviour 4.Inline measurement and modelling of properties of input materials (in steel area e.g. chemical composition and metallic yield of scrap, bulk density of scrap or coke, etc.; in other industries….) 5.Fast inline measurement of product properties (in steel area e.g. continuous fiber-optical temperature measurement at high accuracy, etc.; in other industries: …) 6.Continuous process monitoring by analysing results from new measurement techniques (“Sensor Fusion” if necessary) in combination with dynamic process models, application of soft-sensors if necessary 7.Advanced closed loop process control (e.g. control under uncertainties) for optimisation of product quality and resource efficiency, based on the above measurements, monitoring tools and predictive models 8.Demonstration of new integrated process control solutions in process industries 3 PLEASE USE 2 SLIDES TO SUMMARIZE THE MAIN CONCEPT OF YOUR PROJECT IDEA AND LINK IT TO THE RELEVANT KEY COMPONENT / KEY ACTION AS REFLECTED IN THE SPIRE ROADMAP AVAILABLE AT INDICATE AS WELL THE CALL TOPIC YOU WILL ADDRESS.
Project Idea Concept 4 PLEASE USE 2 SLIDES TO SUMMARIZE THE MAIN CONCEPT OF YOUR PROJECT IDEA AND LINK IT TO THE RELEVANT KEY COMPONENT / KEY ACTION AS REFLECTED IN THE SPIRE ROADMAP AVAILABLE AT INDICATE AS WELL THE CALL TOPIC YOU WILL ADDRESS. other industries … intelligent monitoring improved resource efficiency better product quality increased productivity lower production costs closed loop control raw material, input material any kind of high temperature processes complete description of input material new / fast inline measurements online, closed loop control actions
Idea Impact 1.New real-time measurements and closed-loop control tools in the field of high temperature processes 2.New solutions for monitoring of input materials as well as properties of final products in high temperature processes 3.Improved process operation with respect to resource and energy efficiency 4.Improved quality of final product and at the same time reduced production costs 5.Strengthening of European industry 5 PLEASE USE 2 SLIDES TO HIGHLIGHT THE MAIN EXPECTED IMPACT OF THE IDEA RELATED TO THE CALL TOPIC YOU WILL ADDRESS AS WELL AS THE SPIRE ROADMAP AVAILABLE AT INDICATE AS WELL THE CROSS-SECTORIAL CHARACTER OF THE IDEA.
Idea Impact 6 Relation to SPIRE roadmap: SPIRE key component 2, Process Key action 2.3: Process monitoring, control and optimization Realisation areas: Implementing measurement devices for all aspects of intermediate/final product quality and their integration into process control Robust optimization methods to local targeted process control and energy supply Cross-sectorial aspects: Applicable in all industries with high temperature processes and the necessity to describe better the input materials and to measure online additional product features to optimise process control
Existing Project Consortium 1.BFI as applied research institute 2.Industrial partners from steel industry 3.Research partners from steel industry 4.Supplier of measurements devices (SME) 7 PLEASE USE 1 SLIDE TO INDICATE THE EXISTING PROJECT CONSORTIUM AS WELL AS THE MAIN ROLE OF THE PARTNERS.
Looking for partners… 1.Industrial partners from outside steel industry with similar tasks in the field of high temperature processes (e.g. non- ferrous metals, glass, cement, ….) 2.Suppliers of measurement devices to monitor input materials or product properties outside steel industry (SME) 3.Supplier of Automation solutions 8 PLEASE USE 1 SLIDE TO INDICATE THE PROFILE OF THE PARTNERS YOU WILL BE LOOKING FOR AND THEIR ENVISIONED ROLE
Contact details Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Peters Tel: Head of Division Measuring Techniques and Automation Member of ESTEP WG1 General Manager of the Research Institute: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Sievering Member of AIAG in SPIRE, Tel: , VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH, Sohnstrasse 65, Düsseldorf, Germany