Training and professional development in the field of social services The experience of Bulgaria Assoc. Prof. Vaska Stancheva-Popkostadinova Department of “Socio-medical sciences” South West university “Neofit Rilski” 4° Workshop WIT “Improving the information systems for needed skills and possibilities for work, career orientation for entering into the labor market“ 14 October 2014, Sofia WhIte Task force on the development of skills of the social welfare professionals working with vulnerable group With financial support from the Eurepean Union
Contents Short retrospect Universities, offering training in the field of Social activities Master programs Ongoing training Center for human resource developing and regional initiatives Challenges in the training of social activities
Short retrospect Training at undergraduate medical schools (to1997), medical colleges (to ) University training– 1993, BFU NEAA, Professional field 3.4 Social activities Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, PhD
Universities in which a 3.4 Social activities is being studied № Висши училища Специалности 1. Burgas Free University Social activities and consulting 2. “St. Cyril and Methodius” UVT Social activities + SS 3. Medical university- Varna Social activities 4. Medical university - Pleven Social activities 5. New Bulgarian university 6. PU “Paisii Hilendarski” Social activities + SS 7. RU ”Angel Kanchev“ Social activities + SS 8. SU“ St. Kliment Ohridski“ Social activities + SS 9. Thracian university Social activities + SS 10. TU- Gabrovo Social activities + SS 11. TU–Varna Social management 12. ShU ”Bis. Constantine Preslavski” Social activities + SS 13. SWU “Neofit Rilski“ Social activities + SS
Professional realization Graduated the training in the professional field of 3.4 Social activities will be able to work at the regional and national social institutions, the ASS and EA structures, municipalities and the non- government organizations
Master’s programs SWU “Neofit Rilski” Psychosocial rehabilitation Social mediation Social activities SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” Clinical social work Qualification and redirection of the workforce Management of the institutions for social work
Master’s programs TU-Varna Social work with children Social work with people with deviant behavior European social integration
Master’s programs NBU: Art and social work, Clinical social work Social work with families Family consulting ShU „Bis. Constantine Preslavski“ and Thracian University : Social activities RU “Angel Kanchev” : Clinical social work
Professional field 3.4 Social activities - Worthy place in the system of the Bulgarian university education - «Social activities» a modern major, which tries to be synchronized with the modern European standards and becomes more and more attractive for young people.
Social work A magazine by the Faculty of Education, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” Е-magazine “Social work”- the first Bulgarian scientifically- applicable magazine for social work Oriented to: Researchers and teachers in the field of social work; Practicing specialists in the field of social work and the assisting professions; Students in the field of social work an similar areas; Others with an interest in the field.
ONGOING TRAINING Universities Center for human resource developing and regional initiatives NGO
International documents in the field of studying through your entire life Lisbon strategy(2005г.) „Europe 2020” Strategy European Qualifications Framework for studying through your entire life (2005) „Training and education” EU report (2008)
National documents in the field of studying through your entire life National strategy for studying through your entire life 2008 – 2013 / Plan for action „Human resource development” operational program
MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL POLITICS Centre for human resources developing and regional initiatives HRDRI continues the traditions and the activity of the National center for professional development to the Ministry of labor and social politics, created in 2004 MISSION: Validation of the Center for human resource development and regional initiatives as an international center for training and information provision in the field of the social politics chttp://
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES chttp:// Training and providing with information in the sphere of social politics for the administrations at every level; Organization of regional initiatives for the human resources development and of effective social policies in Southeast Europe, by using the Bulgarian knowledge and experience; Validation of the quality of studying and increasing the competitiveness of the Center as a supplier of training services;
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES chttp:// Development of the administrative capacity in order to form and implement the social policies in the MLSP system; Creating a mechanisms for partnership with employers for a realization of the people, who have achieved a professional qualification in HRDRI; Partnership with local partners, NGOs and other municipal and national administrations.
SUBJECTS AND TYPES OF TRAINING chttp:// Balance between subjects, approved as a necessary for the career development of the students and also the new ones, who have identified their needs during the survey at the end of The programs for training are developed as a short term seminars and programs for professional qualification and requalification which are offered in the companies-be either present, distant or mixed.
Platform for a distant training of HRDRI to the MLSP Created by Bulgarian experts “Establishment of the institutionalized capacity of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy” project, managed by the International training center of the International Labor Organization in Torino, Italy.
Platform for distant training Subordinated to the strategic mission of the HRDRI and profiled in conducting trainings to the employees of the MLSP and to the administrative structures, involved in the Ministry’s system. The distant courses aim to increase the knowledge and skills for developing and applying of the social policies and are opened to representatives of the central and local administration, social partners and NGOs.
Challenges in the training of social activities A necessity for a change in the curriculum, in accordance with the requirement of the practice and the new tendencies in the developing of the social services Expanding the opportunities for practical training Integration of socio-medical and psychosocial modules in the training Interdisciplinary cooperation
The increased necessity for differentiated and quality social services will lead to revaluation by the society about the importance of the employed in the social field, and with this, not only their social reputation will grow, but also the attitude of the young people to apply for studying in this field as well (D.Gradev, 2007)
Business-innovative ways for creating and actualization of the training programs for students in the field of Social activities, Speech Therapy, Massage Therapy and Sports, in accordance with the needs of the labor market BG051PO Main goal: Creation and synchronization of the students learning environment with the business innovations. Activity 2: Analysis of the prior programs in the field of social activities and public health and sport, in accordance with the specific needs of the business and the requirements of the labour market on a micro level. Development of programs, chosen for actualization. Development of new training programs. Attracting new specialists in the fields of Social activities, Speech Therapy, Massage Therapy and Sports. Activity 3: Creation of a new training documentation (qualification characteristics, training plan, training programs) in the training for Bachelor’s degree (Sports) and for Master’s (Speech Therapy and Social Activities). Actualization of existing training programs in the specialties of Social activities, Speech Therapy, Massage Therapy.