PMI Southwest Ohio Chapter Chapter Membership Meeting
Agenda Board of Directors Vision/Mission Top PM Project Management Trends Current Membership Strategic Plans 2013 Events/Activities
Board of Directors Charlie Slaven President Connie Fryman President Elect Open Past President Sheryl Mizwicki VP Administration Deb Lebow VP Communications Frank Bernhardt VP Membership Dev Warrier VP Outreach Chris Solomon VP Finance Rick Haucke VP Programs Frank Forte VP Training & Certification Open VP Marketing
Vision The PMI SW Ohio Chapter is and will continue to be the preeminent project management professional organization in Southwest Ohio.
Mission The PMI Southwest Ohio Chapter develops and sustains highly capable project management professionals who deliver excellent project and program results while advancing the adoption of PMI standards and best practices.
1 Organizations will continue to call for strong project leaders but will focus on investments in hard skills 2 Agile implementation will be viewed in some organizations as a failure, but for the wrong reasons 5 PMOs will focus on proving their worth and driving innovation 8 Continued poor project performance in many organizations will result in more PMOs being terminated 9 Portfolio management will take on a greater role as funding continues to tighten and the number of projects grows Top PM Trends for 2013
Total Membership
Companies – 10+ Members Procter & Gamble64Great American Insurance Co.14 Sogeti43Fidelity Investments14 WellPoint40Siemens12 Cincinnati Bell35General Electric12 Hewlett Packard31Liberty Mutual Insurance12 Atos Origin23Cardinal Solutions Group11 Fifth Third Bank22Lexis Nexis11 Cincinnati Insurance19Vantiv, Inc11 Convergys18IBM Corporation10 Duke Energy17Luxottica10 Kroger Co.15Total of 10+ companies444
2013 Strategic Planning Session What do we want the Chapter to look like 3 years from now? What one theme should we focus on for 2013 to achieve these objectives? How do we measure success? What is in it for our members?
3 Years Out Greater Chapter Exposure Align with Businesses via CRMs Virtualized Delivery
Events Chapter Partnerships 2013 Theme
PMI Southwest Ohio Chapter April 30 Recruit 10 Customer Relationship Managers (CRM) to align with top 10 companies October 31 $20K Net Sponsorship Revenue December 31 Surveys exceed 80% Members Event Attendees Top 10 Companies Executive Advisory Board Measuring Success
Member Value Proposition Visibility & Credibility Networking Quality Programs Link PMs with Businesses Leverage Businesses Certification Payback What’s in it for You?
Approach Define Sponsorship ProgramRecruit/Train CRMsDefine Target AudiencesDefine What We Are and Are NotDefine Sponsorship PackagesDefine the Process
How Can You Help? Volunteer VP Marketing Nominating Committee Public Relations Manager Registrar Team Member Communicate To Your Employer From Your Employer
2013 Events Certification Training January October Train the Trainer Summer Mega Event April Professional Development Days March April September November Breakfast & Dinner Meetings September thru May Except April Academic Judging Events April September December NKU Xavier Cincinnati State Business Outreach On-going
Student Scholarship Offer a $2,500 scholarship in Tri-state via PMI Education Foundation
Thank you! Your time and commitment to PMI is greatly appreciated!