Tips on understanding new vocabulary.
Sometimes when you read you have to be a word detective. When you come to a new word in your reading the first thing you should do is decide whether you have to know the word in order to get the meaning of the paragraph. -If you can understand the meaning of the story or article without knowing a certain word, it’s okay to skip over that word and keep reading. Read more at Suite101: Context Clues Lesson Plan: Word Detectives Unlocking Word Meaning | Clues Lesson Plan: Word Detectives Unlocking Word Meaning | Suite101.com
To find the meaning of new words by themselves use context clues. -Context clues are hints that help readers discover the meaning of unfamiliar words. Read more at Suite101: Context Clues Lesson Plan: Word Detectives Unlocking Word Meaning | Clues Lesson Plan: Word Detectives Unlocking Word Meaning | Suite101.com
Context clues are words that come before or after the new word and that there are several different kinds of context clues. Definition Synonym Antonym Example Explanation
Context clues are words that come before or after the new word and that there are several different kinds of context clues. Definition= Synonym= Antonym= Example= Explanation= A statement of the word’s meaning. A word having the same or nearly the same meaning. A word having the opposite meaning. Represents the word. A statement made to clarify word.
1.The joey, which is a baby kangaroo, peeked out of his mother's pocket. 2.The beach was covered with debris like paper and cans, and the children picked up all the trash. 3.The ancient dress looked like new after she washed it. 4.Every day he brought a delectable, delicious, wonderful, yummy lunch to school. 5.My mother used to pull across the bay to catch flounder. Pull is a word that is sometimes used to mean row.
1.The j oey, which is a baby kangaroo, peeked out of his mother's pocket. Is this sentence using a/an: Example Synonym Antonym Definition Explanation
2.The beach was covered with debris like paper and cans, and the children picked up all the trash. Is this sentence using a/an: Example Synonym Antonym Definition Explanation
3.The ancient dress looked like new after she washed it. Is this sentence using a/an: Example Synonym Antonym Definition Explanation
4.Every day he brought a delectable, delicious, wonderful, yummy lunch to school. Is this sentence using a/an: Example Synonym Antonym Definition Explanation
5.My mother used to p ull across the bay to catch flounder. Pull is a word that is sometimes used to mean row. Is this sentence using a/an: Example Synonym Antonym Definition Explanation
1.The joey, which is a baby kangaroo, peeked out of his mother's pocket. (definition) 2.The beach was covered with debris like paper and cans, and the children picked up all the trash. (synonym) 3.The ancient dress looked like new after she washed it. (antonym) 4.Every day he brought a delectable, delicious, wonderful, yummy lunch to school. (example) 5.My mother used to pull across the bay to catch flounder. Pull is a word that is sometimes used to mean row. (explanation)
A daunting task is one that would _______ someone. a. dangerous b. daring c. sneaky d. frighten or intimidate
What does sustain mean? a.make something b.maintain something c.draw d.lose
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