NOTEPHONES SYSTEM Author : Allen Mwangonde Supervisor : Prof. Isabel M. Venter Co-Supervisor: Dr.B. Tucker
2 OVERVIEW Brief description of the project Implementation Progress Challenges Tools and language used Demo References Questions & answers
3 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT What is the NotePhones system? A mobile application that will track and remind members of meeting events before they occur Display meeting schedules, minutes or regularly scheduled events Allow participants to make the necessary preparations for the meeting
4 IMPLEMENTATION It consists of two applications 1.Mobile app – allows sending SMS through a gateway to the server 2.Application on server receives SMS from the gateway and updates the database OR Application on server sends SMS through the gateway to mobile phone
6 PROGRESS Changes made to previous prototype Changes to interface Sending minutes via gateway
7 PROGRESS CONT… Accomplished (with an emulator) Create new agenda Update the agenda Create minutes and all of these are then updated on the database
8 WORK IN PROGRESS Actual implementation on a cell phone So far could not implement the gateway successfully
9 CHALLENGES Identifying the correct cell phone Configuring the SMS gateway (not yet done) Installing the application on the cellphone
10 TOOLS USED MySQL, Apache VB.Net Notepad++ editor Ozeking - SMS Gateway A PC and Nokia E 710 mobile phone
11 Demo Link to the demo: Create agenda Update agenda View minutes
12 Project Plan TERM DATE OF SUBMISSION SUBMITTED Term 1Project Analysis 2012/03/30 YES Term 2Project Design and Development UIS document OOA document OOD document Presentation two 2012/05/30YES Term 3Project Implementation 2012/09/10YES Term 4Project Testing, Evaluation and 2012/11/02NO Presentation
13 References 1.Glossary of Terms, ITU-infoDev ICT Regulation Toolkit. (2010). 2.Chao, L. (2010). HTC to Sell Branded Smartphones in Mainland Push. The Wall Street Journal. 3.Landay, J. A. (1999). Making sharing pervasive: Ubiquitous computing for shared note taking. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL, Vol.38(No.4). 4.Luz, M.-M. B. (2006). Meeting browsing. 5.Mahangu, A. (2010). Minutes Management System. University of the Western Cape, Computer Science Department. Unpublished Honours Project. 6.Marc, P. (2001). Digital Natives Digital Immigrants. Vol. 9(No. 5). 7.UCT. (2009, july 29). UCT centre in ICT4D. Retrieved from UCT centre in ICT4D: 8.Zuckerman, E. (2010). Decentralizing the Mobile Phone:A Second ICT4D Revolution? Retrieved from
14 Questions & answers