Development of the Bulgarian Leasing Market A presentation by Borislav Todorov, Co-chairman of Bulgarian Association for Leasing
Leasing Market Size Determined by Outstanding Net Lease Receivables (in EUR mln) Source: BAL data for the period , BNB data for the period ; *Data for 2011 as of 30 th September 2011 Exchange rate (1 EUR=1,95583 BGN)
Leasing Market Size Determined by Value of New Business (in EUR mln) Source: BAL for the period ; Exchange rate (1 EUR=1,95583 BGN) *Data for 2011 is for the first nine months; source: BNB
New Business during 2010 by Asset Type Source: BAL
New Business Volumes Comparison by Asset Type (in EUR mln) Source: BAL; Exchange rate (1 EUR=1,95583 BGN) *Data for 2011 is for the first nine months, source BNB
New Business during 2010 by Contract Term Source: BAL & BNB
New Business during 2010 by Sectors Source: BAL & BNB
Change of Leasing Penetration Rates Source: BAL for new business; NSI for investments *BAL estimates for the year 2011
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