PUBLIC SCHOOL UNIFORM’S OR NOT Milagros Uresk English 1010
THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ” -First Amendment to the United States Constitution
The First Amendment gives every citizen the freedom of expression. Many believe that this amendment also applies to a person’s clothing. Most people wear what they choose to wear because they believe those items would help express their personality, mood, religion and social status to the people around them. Would mandatory uniform policies infringe on that freedom ?
A PERSON’S CLOTHING IS A REFLECTION OF WHO THEY ARE INSIDE A person with expensive designer clothing is usually social and popular, while a person who wears loose comfortable clothing may just be focused on studying. A person could wear different types of clothing depending on their mood. A person could wear something bright and fashionable one day and then wear something dark and gothic another. Making uniforms mandatory in public schools would take that choice away from students.
With recent fashions, keeping students modest at school is a trying effort for educators. This issue and how to stop school violence and delinquencies are problems that educators plan to lighten with the introduction and enforcement of a public school uniform dress code. The Board of Education has been debating as to whether public school uniforms should become policy. While assessing, a reoccurring question cycles through the topic, “Will Forcing a uniform policy in public school change anything?”
I don’t think that school uniforms will help much with bullying and violence in schools. Bullying will be a part of school life with or with out uniforms because some students aren’t raised with the proper discipline. School uniforms will only change the reasoning for a bullies actions. School boards should be more focused on the quality of their students education. However, uniforms could decrease immodesty in school and it can also improve a school’s over all behavioral weather.
Parents Educators Students Parents WHO STANDS FOR WHAT? For the Establishment of Uniforms in Public Schools Against the Establishment of Uniforms in Public Schools
Educators and some parents argue that the establishment of uniforms in school will help lessen school gang involvement, violence and improve student academics. Students and their parents argue that uniform policies will not help quell school violence and children’s misbehavior. They argue that the policies would encroach on their freedom to express themselves through their clothing. BOTH SIDES HAVE CONVINCING ARGUMENTS TO SUPPORT THEIR POSITION For Against
Cheaper than designer clothing Students won’t judge others over clothing Increased academic scores Possible decrease in violence Decrease in gang involvement Student respect towards teachers Not cheaper in U.S. Judging over other items will increase No freedom of apparel expression No freedom of choice May not help with gang involvement Students may act out more ARE UNIFORMS USEFUL? Pro’s Con’s
EDUCATOR’S ARGUMENT Experts say a school adopting a uniform dress code will create a better learning atmosphere by removing dress related differences among students, and increasing school safety by preventing the formation of gangs. Educators argue that most parent support the uniform policy. Although, the only way to discover if the policy is accepted by the community is to conduct a survey and base the decision on the reply. Which Laurie McCaulley, School Board Representative for Huntsville City had done. McCaulley made the survey available all so every one was able to have an opportunity to give their input.
In Huntsville Alabama, a survey was conducted to determine whether its districts should establish a uniform dress code. About 55% of all participants voted in favor of school uniforms. Out of all 7,000 surveys only one-third were submitted. SUPPORTING EVIDENCE
STUDENT’S ARGUMENT “They made me feel like I wasn’t able to express myself, it took away from my individuality,” as quoted form Jillian Ware, who was required to wear a uniform during her middle school years. She describes the uniform code as unpleasant and dislikable. No longer bound by a uniform policy in school Ms. Ware states, “I’m happier”. A student’s view on the policy is the most important view on the issue because they will be the ones required to wear the uniforms and will be forced to due so if a district makes the uniform dress code mandatory for attending their schools.
SUPPORTING PARENT ARGUMENT In Huntsville, Alabama parents who supported the adoption of the uniform policy won the vote in the poll to decide the districts dress codes and Huntsville City’s schools adopted a uniform policy. They argue that uniforms will help their students learn faster and keep them safe from most bullying. Angela Walmsley wrote, “I was never an advocate of school uniforms. Having attended a U.S. public school myself, I couldn't imagine wearing a uniform. I began to see the benefit of school uniforms when I taught in a British school a number of years ago and later when my own children attended English schools”. As a parent Mrs. Walmsley knows what most parents want for and form their children.
OPPOSING PARENT ARGUMENT “People are still going to make fun of people for where they live or whether they have free or reduced lunch,” said Seth Haley, a parent. “We should focus on education and books; we should be more worried about curriculums,” he later added. Mr. Haley’s assessment on human behavior is a bitterly true observation. The strong will still prey on the weak no matter what they wear. They will find something else to tease their victims about, whether its about their hair, their face or the car they drive to school in. Educators should be more worried about the quality of their students education and school supplies then about what their students are wearing.
OPPOSING PARENT CONTINUED Shaileen Morton told the Board of Education members that the current dress code should be enforced. “They are just clothes, they’re not going to change the kid’s actions, work on the actions first.” Most students should know how to behave in public and at school. Any major misbehavior should be dealt with by the parents of the student. Clothing doesn’t make the person it can only describe them.
WHERE IT’S WORKED Angela Walmsley, associate dean for graduate education and research in the College of Education and Public Service at St. Louis University has experienced the benefits uniforms can give to parents, students and teachers by creating a link of respect for through the student. In the United Kingdom, parents seem to like the uniforms because they are affordable. Teachers appreciate school uniforms because they help students focus on school and not each other's clothes. School uniforms are commonplace in the United Kingdom and seem to help promote students' respect for the teachers, the school, and themselves. However these behaviors may have been influenced by how U.K. students are raised at home. In the U.S. students are raised differently than students from the U.K. and the results may end differently.
SCIENTIFIC VIEW David Brunsma, Assistant Professor of Sociology, at the University of Missouri-Columbia comments, “Uniforms have not been effective at attacking the very outcomes and issues they were assumed to aid”. So back to our troubling question, Will Forcing a uniform policy in public school change anything? There are many sides with strong and supporting evidence to this argument. I think that if a district is contemplating a uniform policy, all evidence should be evaluated as to whether or not the policy will reduce violence and bulling in school.
Uniforms are a useful tool in creating a less distracting atmosphere in classrooms. They can help decrease bullying, violence and misbehavior at school. They may also help increase academic scores. However, students will protest the uniform dress code so that they can express themselves through their clothing. Student misbehavior at school could increase if uniforms are forced on to them. I’m a person who loves to try on different clothes everyday and if the choice of what to wear was taken from me I would have protested and fought the policy. I think that wearing a uniform would be useful and fun at times, but it would become boring about a month after. I love being an individual and showing that I am. If a school district is considering a uniform policy they should survey both parents and students to ensure that everyone’s opinion is accounted for. Another option instead of uniforms is a dress code where certain lengths, profanity and sexually suggestive clothing are banned while still letting students exercise their freedom.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Jirousek, Charlotte. Dress, Fashion and Social Change. n.d. 3 March McConville, Jim. Parents Battle over School Uniforms. Feb Pinto, Amanda. School survey to gauge thoughts on Uniforms. 9 March ProQuest Staff. At Issue: School Uniforms. 8 April
BIBLIOGRAPHY Walmsley, Angela. What the UK can teach the US about school Uniforms. March Ware, Jillian. Do school uniforms affect how students learn? 2 Sept