Girton Grammar School Uniform Policy 10/10/2012
Uniform Requirements The wearing of the Girton Grammar School Uniform is compulsory. All students are to wear the Uniform in the correct manner with a sense of pride in their School Several optional items of uniform have been introduced to provide students with a choice of clothing that best suits their needs. All students are required to be in School Uniform when in attendance on all School days. 10/10/2012
School badges are worn on the blazer lapel. Hair must be well brushed in a neat style and kept off the face at all times. The dyeing of hair is not acceptable. Girls' hair, if worn in a longer style, must be tied back from the face. Boys shall have hair to collar length at a maximum. Jewellery other than a wrist-watch is not to be worn. The practice of body piercing is not encouraged but girls may wear one pair of studs or sleepers in their ear lobes. School badges are worn on the blazer lapel. Nails are to be clean, well trimmed and free of nail polish, enamel etc. The wearing of make-up is prohibited. Shoes are to be well polished, daily if necessary. Clothing is to be kept in excellent repair, clean, well pressed and named. Hair - Ribbons may only be burgundy or navy in colour. 10/10/2012
Junior School Uniform – Girls Winter Girton tartan pinafore (P-4). Girton tartan skirt (Years 5 & 6) - to be worn on official occasions as advised. (Hemline to mid knee) Optional Girton “ink” navy school trousers Girton Grammar blazer (compulsory Year 6) “Midford” white long sleeved shirt Girton “House” tie (loop tie preferred) Girton burgundy school jumper or optional vest “Ink” navy school tights Black lace-up school shoes - No boots 10/10/2012
Junior School girls wearing the pinafore 10/10/2012
Junior School Uniform – Girls Summer Girton school dress (Hemline to mid knee) Girton Grammar blazer (compulsory Year 6) Girton burgundy school jumper or optional vest Girton white, striped ankle school socks Black lace-up school shoes - No boots 10/10/2012
Junior School Uniform – Boys Winter Girton “ink” navy school trousers Girton Grammar blazer (compulsory Year 6) “Midford” white long sleeved shirt Girton “House” tie (loop tie preferred) Girton burgundy school jumper Girton navy blue, striped school socks Black lace-up school shoes 10/10/2012
Junior School Uniform – Boys Summer Girton “ink” navy school shorts or summer trousers Girton Grammar blazer (compulsory Year 6) Girton monogrammed white shirt Girton burgundy school jumper Girton navy blue, striped school socks Black lace-up school shoes 10/10/2012
Senior School Uniform – Girls Winter Girton tartan skirt - to be worn on official occasions as advised. (Hemline to mid knee) Optional Girton “ink” navy school trousers Girton Grammar blazer “Midford” white long sleeved shirt Girton“ House” tie Girton burgundy school jumper “Ink” navy school tights Black lace-up school shoes 10/10/2012
Senior school girls in their blazers 10/10/2012
Senior School Uniform – Girls Summer Girton school dress (Hemline to mid knee) Girton Grammar blazer Girton burgundy school jumper or optional vest Girton white, striped ankle school socks Black lace-up school shoes 10/10/2012
Senior School Uniform – Boys Winter Girton “ink” navy school trousers Girton Grammar blazer “Midford” white long sleeved shirt Girton “House” tie Girton burgundy school jumper Black lace-up school shoes 10/10/2012
Senior School Uniform – Boys Summer Girton “ink” navy school shorts Girton Grammar blazer Girton monogrammed white shirt Girton burgundy school jumper or optional vest Girton navy blue, striped school socks (ankle/knee-high) Black lace-up school shoes - No boots 10/10/2012
Sports Uniform All Boys and Girls Preparatory to Year Twelve Girton “School” gold polo top (short/long sleeve) Girton “ink” navy sports shorts Plain white sports socks Girton baseball style cap, “bucket” hat, navy blue legionnaire or wide-brimmed hat. Hats must be worn in Terms 1 and 4 to adhere to SunSmart policy. 10/10/2012
Optional Sports Uniform Girton “House” polo top (short/long sleeve) (optional) Girton “ink” navy track pants (optional) Girton “ink” navy monogrammed pola fleece (optional) Girton “ink” navy rugby top (optional) Girton “ink” navy waterproof sports spray jacket Burgundy sports bag (optional) 10/10/2012
Co-Curricular Uniforms Athletics Teams Black running shorts Top supplied by Club Basketball Teams Maroon basketball shorts Gold, white and burgundy top City to Surf Teams Gold and navy top Physical Education shorts Football Teams Navy football shorts Gold football socks Guernsey supplied by Club 10/10/2012
Co-Curricular Uniforms Hockey Teams Physical Education shorts Gold football socks Top Supplied by Club Girls – optional maroon netball skirt Netball Teams Navy and burgundy skirt Navy gold and burgundy top Swimming Teams Ink navy Girton swimwear Volleyball Teams Gold, white and navy top Physical Education shorts or plain black shorts Alternative white top supplied by club 10/10/2012
Uniform Changes The uniform is approved by the Girton Grammar School Board on the recommendation of the Headmaster and the Uniform Sub-Committee who, in turn, receive the views of parents, students and staff. The Uniform Committee is the forum for review of uniform. Notifications of any alteration to the uniform will be given to parents at least one term in advance with a specified phasing in period. 10/10/2012
Girton Students wear the uniform with pride Current yr 12 students 10/10/2012
Where to get the uniform New and Second Hand Uniform: Bolton’s Office National 57 Williamson Street, Bendigo, 3550 Telephone: 5440 5600 10/10/2012