Realising opportunities for resource efficiency through surveying Introducing the Refurbishment Survey Toolkit (Pilot)
“Resource efficient construction makes best use of materials, water and energy over the lifecycle of built assets to minimise embodied and operational carbon” What is resource efficiency? Energy Water Operational Impacts Life-span Recycled Content End of Life Material Quantity Scarcity Wastage Embodied Impacts Components of resource efficiency that can be influenced by a building surveyor
Business benefits of resource efficient construction include: Cost savings; Risk reduction; Opportunities for innovation; Compliance with regulations, standards and planning requirements; Supporting industry objectives; and Improved reputation. Why be more resource efficient?
Approximately 70% of buildings that will be present in 2050 are in existence Significant refurbishment of buildings required in order to meet the Government’s carbon budgets Effective refurbishment can offer considerable benefit The need for resource efficient refurbishment
Given the scale of refurbishment required there exists huge opportunity to improve resource efficiency in terms of: –Selection of appropriate materials –Reducing waste –Improving operational efficiency Opportunity
WRAP has undertaken a range of projects related to refurbishment (research / engagement / case studies) Opportunities to improve resource efficiency of refurbishment are currently being missed Background to the project Surveyors have a key role to play
Surveyors and the construction supply chain ClientSurveyorDesignerContractor Product supplier The influence of the building surveyor: At concept stage the surveyor can provide strategic advice on schematic development plans At detailed design stage they can advise on alternative design plans Alternatively they can advise clients before a commitment is made to purchase a real estate asset
Brief Assemble working group of experts to test and understand: − Barriers / opportunities − Advantages − Disadvantages of a resource efficient approach Identify what is required to increase awareness and help surveyors to deliver more resource efficient refurbishment projects Introducing the Refurbishment Survey Toolkit project
Introducing the working group Patricia Newman Practice
Feedback from Working Group Advantages Identify and capture benefits Closer engagement with the client / supply chain Reputation Disadvantages Finance / time implications Information overload Up-skilling / re-skilling What are the potential advantages / disadvantages of a more resource efficient approach?
How to overcome the disadvantages Demonstrate the business case through evidence and real life case studies Provide quick to use, free guidance Ensure the supply chain is committed to resource efficiency and collaborate from top downwards (and vice versa) Obtain endorsement from clients, trade bodies, etc
What does the surveyor need to improve Resource Efficiency? Clear remit from client Information about the scope of works Understand key stakeholders Awareness of quick wins and success factors Knowledge of where to go for more information
Other findings from working group Extent of influence dependent on the scale of project There are many areas relating to low carbon refurbishment that the surveyor may not currently addressing but can do so with correct guidance The remit and ability of the surveyor to influence Resource Efficiency strongly linked to the Project Brief that they were allocated
Specification for toolkit (derived from working group) Simple and quick to use Explains Resource Efficiency and associated benefits Describes process for embedding Resource Efficiency through procurement process Provides example quick win opportunities Signposts to further information
Introducing the Refurbishment Survey Toolkit (Pilot) Free to use Supported by RICS Informed through working group of industry specialists Introduction Background Further Information Further Information Procurement Process of addressing Resource Efficiency Process of addressing Resource Efficiency Survey Home Page Next Page
How to use the toolkit Click here to understand what Resource Efficiency (RE) means and why it is of relevance to clients and surveyors 1) Background Click here to understand the Resource Efficiency actions that can be applied at each construction stage. Click here to view relevant information such as legislation, environmental assessment and useful websites for different UK regions. 3) Further Information 2a) Procurement 2b) Survey Click here to view WRAP's recommended approach to resource efficient procurement and understand how to embed this within your projects Click here to view the key Resource Efficiency considerations that may be applicable to your project (and understand the associated benefits). Links to case studies and business cases are provided. 2) Process of addressing Resource Efficiency 2) Process of addressing Resource Efficiency
Process Explains actions for clients and surveyors (based on project stages) Provides links to subsequent sections
Explaining the procurement process 000 Policy Statement Policy Statement Contract Clause Project Implementation Project Implementation Project Specific Resource Efficiency Brief (RMP scoping output) Project Specific Resource Efficiency Brief (RMP scoping output) Commit Cascade Capture Resource Management Plan Resource Management Plan The Policy Statement declares the high level commitment (and typically contains actions and goals for being more resource efficient). The Project Specific Resource Efficiency Brief details the actions to be taken based on project specific circumstances. The Contract Clause formalises the approach and requires adherence to the agreed actions (e.g. through the Resource Management Planning process). The Project Implementation stage defines the information that should be gathered to evidence actions. Click on each link to view more information about each step of the process and model wording to be used in your own documents (Management framework)
The Resource Efficiency survey Section split into four Resource Efficiency categories: For each category the following information is provided: − Links to business cases − Links to case studies − List of quick win opportunities Materials Waste Water Energy
Business case and case studies - Materials Optimising Materials Use On Site Numerous opportunities exist throughout the survey, design and construction stages to embed Resource Efficiency in a refurbishment project through simple consideration of the materials used. Equally, organisations can take advantage of opportunities to reduce costs through considered material specification, with lifetime maintenance and management costs typically around five times greater than the cost of initial construction. Case study: Seymour Street Refurbishment of 5 storey Victorian residential block; mixed use. - Set 'Cradle to Gate' targets for embodied carbon - Concrete frame - 439tCO 2 e (50% GGBS) - Cladding 740tCO 2 e - Transport study demonstrated a 30-40% contribution of total embodied carbon of precast concrete due to transportation - Analysis of three suppliers (Lincolnshire, Dublin and Brussels) local supplier used despite higher cost. View full case study View full case study Understanding the business case Throughout the construction sector clients are expecting more from designers and consultants. A particular challenge is keeping costs down whilst meeting the high sustainability standards sought by planners, investors and occupiers. Resource use (materials, energy and water) is an increasingly important component of both cost and environmental impact: since 2000, resource costs have increased by ~150%. Real energy and water costs are up ~120% and 60% respectively in the last decade; and construction materials are responsible for ~10% of UK carbon emissions. View full business case View full business case Materials
Identifying opportunities - Materials Resource Efficiency ConsiderationBenefits of resource efficient approach Specify materials with a higher recycled content For clients, requiring projects to exceed a minimum level of recycled content is commercially sensible, good for the environment and achievable at no additional cost Specify materials with lower embodied carbon Use of materials with low embodied carbon minimises the environmental impacts of construction. Specification of materials with low embodied carbon will assist organisations in meeting environmental commitments. Are there opportunities to consider durability / intended lifespan? By specifying materials with sufficient durability to match the intend life of the building operational maintenance costs and replacement costs will be minimised. By selecting durable materials the likely material requirements of the building will be reduced over its life span. Materials
Further information
What next? Links with ‘Tablet’ based reporting systems Tablet based, ‘Cloud’ reporting tools are gradually becoming normal practice for conducting on-site surveys for many practices of all sizes. WRAP is in discussions with leading ‘Cloud’ reporting software companies to develop a ‘resource efficient’ cloud based reporting tool – watch this space.