Haiti Case study
Where is Haiti? Haiti. A Caribbean developing nation
What is Haiti like? Poorest country in Western hemisphere 80% population live in absolute poverty 2/3 depend on agricultural economy largely subsistence GDP per capita = $1,300 Suffers from Hurricanes, flooding and earthquakes
Haiti and its population Population = 9.8 million Growth rate = 2.2% so double in less than 50 years TFR rate = 5.2 children per women Fits early stage 3 of the DTM Shows real evidence of population pressure / overpopulation The population density is 295 people-per-square-kilometre
Analysing Haiti’s population pyramid Sharp drop in population numbers partly due to AIDS (6% adults) Narrow top indicating low life expectancy. 63 years ave. Wide base = youthful population Wide base indicates high birth rate Why do you think people have large families in Haiti?
Can you make the link?? Now click on the hyperlink to find out more http://www.osei.noaa.gov/Events/Tropical/Atlantic/1998/Mitch_10/TRCmitch299G_G8.jpg
What trends do you notice about food production in Haiti over this 20 year period??? 1982 1987 Year 1992 1997 2002 -------------------------Production (metric tons)---------------------- Cereals 390,900 461,806 451,796 490,000 363,000 Roots and Tubers 740,000 755,000 794,043 727,000 Pulses 85,900 100,711 106,523 88,000 70,500 Vegetables&Melons 292,060 309,350 235,760 213,825 198,870 Fruits 1,027,040 1,077,782 889,305 908,360 968,800 Sugar Cane 3,000,000 1,800,000 1,429,280 1,100,000 1,008,100 Coffee, Green 32,250 30,088 27,355 27,000 28,000
Impacts of rapid population growth / overpopulation Haiti Rapid population growth (1.9% year) Poverty leads to high birth rate TFR 5.4 Deforestation of steep (20 degrees) slopes for fuel High unemployment (70%) and underemployment (informal sector) Loss of binding root systems and canopy interception Vicious downward circle of decline linked to overpopulation Increased overland flow Slum growth – e.g. Cite Soleil slum population 300,000 Extensive soil erosion during tropical storms and hurricanes Rural-urban migration of 1.5 million to Port au Prince Loss of soil fertility Increased Rural poverty Reduced food production (refer to table)
Effects of population pressure on the human environment Haiti - highest incidence of HIV/Aids in Latin America and the Caribbean, with 300,000 cases Diseases like TB and Cholera spreading. Poor health care infrastructure
http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=32001&Cr=haiti&Cr1= 9 September 2009 – Haiti has “a remarkable opportunity” to overcome decades of misrule and neglect, but major hurdles remain and the international community must step up its support to ensure the Caribbean country can consolidate its gains, the United Nations Special Envoy and former United States president Bill Clinton said today.
Test yourself Exam questions Look at the population pyramid below. Explain which stage of the DTM this country would be found in. Justify your answer. Examine the impact of Haiti’s population structure on the balance between population and resources. (15)