A01 S AFE WORKING PRACTICES IN A BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Understand how safe working practices are applied in a business environment
S LIDE 1 - P ROTECTING HEALTH 1. Use the internet to research TWO measures used to protect health when using IT in a business eg: ergonomic designs of equipment and furniture positioning of equipment posture taking regular breaks/ change of activity eye sight checks health and safety training 2. Give an example that explains the potential danger to health a measure is designed to addresses 3. Describe how the measure can reduce risk Tip : annotate images to show potential dangers and/or how a safe working practice can reduce risk. Explain why is it important to do these things. Place the majority of your text in the speaker notes section, this will get you the higher grades! You may decided to use 2 slides instead of 1. Useful sites/articles: Teach ICT Health & Safety Teach ICT Health & Safety
S LIDE 2 - P ROTECTING PHYSICAL SAFETY 1. Use the internet to research TWO measures used to protect safety when using IT in a business eg: trip hazards eg trailing cables electrical safety: electrical checks (PAT); no water by machines; not overloading sockets safely positioning equipment to avoid falls observing health and safety rules health and safety training 2. Give an example that explains the potential danger to physical safety a measure is designed to addresses 3. Describe how the measure can reduce risk Tip : annotate images to show potential dangers and/or how a safe working practice can reduce risk. Place the majority of your text in the speaker notes section, this will get you the higher grades. Useful sites/articles: Teach ICT Health & Safety Teach ICT Health & Safety
S LIDE 3 - P ROTECTING FILES FROM LOSS 1. Use the internet to research TWO measures used to protect files from loss when using IT in a business eg: backup strategies: files to backup; frequency; destination/medium; storage organising files: folder structure; meaningful file and folder names 2. Give an example that explains the potential danger to files a measure is designed to addresses eg hard disc failure, virus attack or accidental deletion 3. Describe how the measure can reduce risk Useful sites/articles: "Managing an IT disaster“ "Managing an IT disaster“ ICT knowledgebase Backups
S LIDE 4 – P ROTECTING FILES FROM UNAUTHORISED ACCESS / MODIFICATION 1. Use the internet to research TWO measures used to protect files from unauthorised access/modification eg: setting a password to open the document Setting a password to modify the document 2. Give an example that explains the potential danger from unauthorised access the measure is designed to addresses, for example ensuring the safety of files 3. Describe how the measures can reduce risk Useful sites/articles: Data loss Data theft
S LIDE 5 – S TRONG PASSWORD 1. Your final slide should include guidance on choosing a password Useful sites/articles: 1. Lockdown - password guidance Lockdown - password guidance 2. Choosing a password Choosing a password