Prioritization of Drinking Water and Wastewater Projects Project Application – Region 6
Sample Project – Border City Brief Community Profile Location:12 miles north of US/Mexico Border Current City Population: 50,000 Utility Services: Centralized Water and Wastewater Systems Service Area: Border City (12,000 homes; 50,000 people) and unincorporated area (1,200 homes; 5,000 people) Condition of Existing Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Drinking Water System:Wells and core distribution system constructed in 1920 Current connections – 12,000 homes City wells – Elevated nitrate levels exist in 2 wells. Wastewater System:WWTP and core collection system constructed in 1952 Current connections – 12,000 homes Collapsed lines and the WWTP operates at 98% of capacity WWTP design capacity: 6 MGD; current flows: 5.9 MGD Conditions of Unincorporated Community (East of Border City) Drinking Water Source:80 % of the homes receive water only by water hauling services. WW Treatment Source:Inadequate on-site systems – 100% latrines and cesspools.
Sample Project – Border City POTENTIAL PROJECTS DRINKING WATER Replacement of two primary wells due to nitrate levels above MCL 2.Expansion of the water system to unserved residential areas WASTEWATER Expansion of the wastewater collection system to unserved areas AND expansion of the wastewater treatment plant to accommodate additional capacity, including limited rehabilitation/replacement of the core collection system necessary to support expanded service (i.e. Main Collector) Replacement of collapsed wastewater lines throughout Border City. A SEPARATE APPLICATION IS REQUIRED FOR EACH PROJECT
WWTP Application 1. Expansion of the wastewater collection system and expansion of the WWTP, include main collector. Application 4. Replacement of collapsed wastewater lines. Application 3. Expansion of the water system inter-related with Application 2 (new wells). Application 2. New wells to replace contaminated wells. SAMPLE PROJECT: BORDER CITY
Current Service Area City Limits Contaminated Wells Un-served Area