Myth #1 – What Are the Take-Aways? Common Sense, Intuition, and Snap Judgments are more of a reflection of what has happened and has been researched then what will happen. Thus, MISTRUST your “common sense” when you hear something or read something about Psychology. Find research EVIDENCE to support claims. Don’t buy into something just because it says “studies show.” Science can be and often IS “uncommon” sense – it requires us to put aside our personal bias and belief systems and focus primarily on EVIDENCE! Think about those “experts” and their predictions for Milgrim’s research. Think about your assumptions about whether or not people would steal a baby or a wallet… So … Is Psychology Really a Science?
MYTH #2: PSYCHOLOGY IS NOT A SCIENCE Science v. Pseudoscience
Psychological Myths A combination of misconceptions, urban legends, & old wives’ tales. Why are we so susceptible? KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! 1800’s: Phrenology was the rage
“Have Your Head Examined!” Still around… 2.“Phrenology is the science which studies the relationships between a person's character and the morphology of the skull…Today, much of the criticism against Phrenology can be easily dismissed.” (emphasis added) Problem with phrenology? fMRI
2.SCIENCE is... HOW something is studied, NOT WHAT. Systematic and precise Public, open to scrutiny (peer reviewed journals) Scientists try to rule stuff out, not PROVE. Tentative; MORE is learned over time, changes with evidence (replication) Solving SOLVEALBE problems (“Does God exist?)
3.Pseudoscience is… “Pseudo” means fake Aimed at the general public Research cannot be reproduced (replicated), not precise The “file drawer” problem Skeptics must demonstrate proof; fixed ideas Appeals to belief or faith; relies on personal testimony
4.Example: Therapeutic Touch Stossel Testing Therapeutic Touch
Other Examples of Pseudoscience… How do you explain these?
Must Be Aliens!! Spaceships landing Invisible energy beams from space OR…. Horny/busy hedgehogs… Electrically charged air currents (dust devils’ “Plasma Vortex Theory”)? OR … 5. Occam’s Razor (the simplest explanation is probably the best) Man-made hoaxes
Doug & Dave, 1991
Other Pseudoscience? 6.Polygraph machines…aka “lie detectors” Measures: heart rate blood pressure respiratory rate sweatiness (fingers) infers “increase” means deception
Can You Detect a Liar? Not the first method! *Rice test Charles Moulton Marston
7.Polygraphs…research says… #1: There is no evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception An honest person may be nervous when answering truthfully A dishonest person may be non-anxious #2: Countermeasures can be effective Counting backwards, tack in shoe, breathing changes #3: Significant error rates Not admissible in a court of law as evidence
Discovering Psychology #4: Placebo-like effects The person believes that the test/pill works “I really did feel tingling …” Understanding Research: #12 (20:19)
Really “Arousal” Detectors, not “Lie” Detectors But, 67% of American public believe they are effective Good for anything? “Guilty knowledge test” Seldom admissible in court Makes for good drama and ratings! 8. Do you think they should be used for hiring/firing? As evidence in a court case? Explain.
Detecting lies: microexpressions 9.Brief facial expression (1/25 th sec.); occurs when person either deliberately or unconsciously conceals an emotion being felt. Paul Ekman: The Role of Microexpressions Lie Detection
Building Your Mythbusting Kit WE MUST: #1: Become aware of the sources of error #2: Learn to compensate for them