Bible 10 Sermon on the Mount February 10, 2014
Pickme classroom review of Matthew 5-6
Silent Reading of Matthew 7
Matthew 7:1-5 What does Jesus mean by “judge”? On a blank piece of paper: Build a list of your personal pet-peeves or things that you judge people hardest about. Build a list of things that you think God might judge you for, or people might dislike about you. Specks and Planks in your eye: What is Jesus’ Point? Should we ignore splinters? “…and then you will see clearly…”
Matthew 7:6 How does this connect with the judgment passage? What motivates us to judge people? Why do we give good things to people who can’t appreciate them?
Matthew 7:7-11: Ask, Seek, Knock If you call a friend late at night asking for a favor… How does God feel about you asking for things?
Homework Answer in complete sentences: 1.What are some “planks” that you might have in your eye? 2.How would you best remove those planks? 3.When you call out other people’s shortcomings, do you do it to help them out or do you do it harm them? Study Matthew 9:1-26 for Friday Scripture Quiz
Bible 10 Sermon on the Mount February 11, 2014
Matthew 7:12
Matthew 7:13-14 What are the two paths that Jesus is describing? Why do you think the path to life is narrow? Why do you think the path to destruction is wide?
Matthew 7: False Prophets? What is a false prophet? What is a false prophet? What is the fruit that Jesus is talking about? What is the fruit that Jesus is talking about? What will be done with fruitless trees? What will be done with fruitless trees?
Matthew 7:15-23 continued What makes the false disciples false? What makes the false disciples false? Is it their actions? Is it their actions? Is it their profession (with their mouth) of faith? Is it their profession (with their mouth) of faith?
Wise and Foolish Builders What is the difference between the two? Belief? Action?
Small Group Discussion What are you going to do with Jesus’ sermon? What will you do with the parts that bother you? What will you do with the parts that are hard to live out? What kind of builder will you be? Wise or Foolish?
Homework Study for Matthew 7 Mini-Assessment Study for Friday’s Scripture quiz on Matthew 9:1-26
Bible 10 Sermon on the Mount February 12-13, 2014
Mini-Assessment 4
Demanding Jesus Gracious Jesus A few points about last class session… Embrace the Tension
Controversy Passages Matthew 9 & Luke 5 Fasting Healing the Unclean Eating with Sinners Forgiving Sin
Who was Jesus making mad?
Matthew 9:9-11 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him. And as he sat at dinner in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and were sitting with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this they said to his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
Matthew Tax Collecting Table Fellowship
Matthew 9:12-13 But when he heard this, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”
Physicians & Teachers Pre-pharmaceutical
“Go and learn” & “Come and See” “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” Hosea, Amos, Micah
How do our beliefs about God affect the way we treat others? How has the way others have treated us affect our relationship with God?
Scripture Quiz: Matthew 9: Jesus crossed over by boat and came to what town? 2.What did Jesus say first to the paralyzed man on the mat? 3.What was Jesus’ reason for healing the man and telling him to go home? 4.Who was sitting at the tax collector’s booth? 5.About what did Jesus tell the Pharisees to “go and learn what this means”? 6.When will the guests of the bridegroom fast? 7.What do people pour new wine into? 8.What did the bleeding woman touch when she was healed? 9.According to Jesus, what healed the bleeding woman? 10.Why did the crowd at the synagogue leader’s house laugh at Jesus?