Role, Responsibilities and Tasks Secretary Role, Responsibilities and Tasks
What is the Role of the Club Secretary? The Club Secretary is an elected club officer whose role, as the key communication point of the club, is very important to the present and future success of a Club. The Club Secretary is also a member of the Club’s Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors? Board of Directors consists of the: • club president • immediate past president • vice president • secretary • treasurer • lion tamer • tail twister • membership director Board of Directors consists of the: President Vice President Immediate Past President Treasurer Secretary And others as the Club deems appropriate such as Lion Tamer Tail Twister Membership Director Club Branch Co-ordinator • branch coordinator • all other elected directors
Role of the Club Secretary All correspondence, coming in to the club and Going out from the club, goes through the Secretary. The Secretary is the key communication link between the District, the association, the Community and the Club. All correspondence, coming in to the club and going out from the club, goes through the Secretary. The secretary is the key link between District, MD, LCI, Community and Club.
Zone Meeting Member This appointment means the Secretary will: Attend zone or region meetings Assist in compiling reports in preparation for Zone meetings Assist with preparations if the club is chosen to host a Zone meeting This appointment means the Secretary will Attend zone meetings Assist in compiling reports in preparation for Zone meetings Assist with preparations if the club is chosen to host a zone meeting
Correspondence The Club Secretary should meet with the Club President at the beginning of their term to discuss how correspondence will be answered, kept and reported. The Club Secretary should meet with the Club President at the beginning of their term to discuss how correspondence will be answered, kept and reported.
Correspondence The Club Secretary is in charge of reports and other communication with deadlines and requirements. Not communicating promptly can lead to club status changes and missed opportunities. Delays can create problems elsewhere in the association The Club Secretary is in charge of reports and other communication with deadlines and requirements. Not communicating promptly can lead to club status changes and missed opportunities for club involvement or recognition. Delays in reporting can also create problems elsewhere in the association
Reports Responsible for completing and filing reports knowing the due dates of reports ensuring reports are submitted on time. The Club Secretary is responsible for completing and filing reports. It is also the Club Secretary’s responsibility to know the due dates of reports and to ensure they are submitted on time.
Reports The following are reports the Club Secretary should be aware of: Monthly Membership Report (MMR/WMMR) Reports as specified by the association New member form Family Membership forms Transfer member form The following are reports the Club Secretary should be aware of: Monthly Membership Report Reports as specified by the association New member form Family Membership forms Transfer member form
Reports Monthly Membership Report The monthly membership report reports the club’s membership for the month. This includes member losses and gains Monthly Membership Report The monthly membership report reports the club’s membership for the month. This includes member losses and gains For clubs that report online through the WMMR system, transactions must now be entered by the last day of the current month. For clubs that file paper MMR reports, they must submit paper MMRs to LCI by the 20th of the current month. There will be a separate presentation on reporting online
What is the WMMR and how does the Club Secretary use it? The Web Monthly Membership Reporting (WMMR) The Web Monthly Membership Reporting (WMMR) system is an online system helping to make membership updating easy and convenient. A separate presentation on this topic will be delivered later today
Reports New or Transfer or Dropped Member Form Transfer Member Form For a transfer to be completed, two activities must take place—a drop from one club and a transfer into another. A drop from one club must happen first; a transfer into a new club must happen second. Club Secretaries are responsible for reporting drops and transfers in their respective reporting system (MMR or WMMR). Communicate and work with the Secretary of the other club invloved in the transfer. Submitting a transfer form to LCI does not ensure member transfer.
Reports Additional reports: Club Officer Report (PU-101) Report other elected individuals, i.e. convention delegates and alternates Club Roster 100% Club President’s Award Application Advising Lion Distribution Officer of membership changes Additional reports: Club Officer Report (PU-101) reports new club officers for the year ahead This form is used to report the names and addresses of your newly elected club officers to International Headquarters Submit to international headquarters immediately following your club elections in April The final deadline is May 15 Completing new Club Officer paper report for the Multiple District must continue as this information is utilised in the production of the annual MD105 Directory Report other elected individuals, i.e. convention delegates and alternates Club Roster Identifies all members of your club and their information Information needs to be kept up to date Ensure LCI online database is also updated with any alteration to your members details Submit reports to the Zone Meeting, as requested 100% Club President’s Award Application Advising Lion Distribution Officer of membership changes
Records In addition to keeping track of correspondence, the club secretary also has custody of, and maintains, general records of the club. In addition to keeping track of correspondence, the club secretary also has custody of, and maintains, general records of the club Meeting minutes, Audited Financial Accounts and Monthly Membership Report are examples of club records that need to be maintained and may be requested.
Meetings The Club Secretary is an integral part of club meetings The Secretary creates agendas in conjunction with the President The Club Secretary is an integral part of club meetings, both in preparation and during the meetings. The Secretary creates agendas in conjunction with the President The agenda should be prepared in advance and distributed to members prior to the meeting. The Club President has final approval on the agenda.
Meetings A general agenda includes (but is not limited to) Approval of minutes from previous meeting President’s remarks Correspondence received Secretary and or treasurer reports General business A general agenda includes (but is not limited to) Approval of minutes from previous meeting President’s remarks Correspondence received Secretary and or treasurer reports General business
Meetings The Secretary is also responsible for: Notifying participants of meeting times and location Recording attendance, make-up meetings and awards presented Recording minutes during club meetings The Secretary is also responsible for: Notifying participants of meeting times and location Recording attendance, make-up meetings and awards presented Recording minutes during club meetings Some things to consider when recording meeting minutes: Use appropriate language and documentation to ensure accurate minutes Prepare meeting minutes as soon as possible following the meeting Following review, minutes should be sent promptly to all members A copy of the minutes should be filed
Leadership As one of the officers in the club, club members will look to the secretary for guidance, information and to help solve problems. It is important for a secretary to communicate and act effectively. As one of the officers in the club, club embers will look to the secretary for guidance, information and to help solve problems. It is important for a secretary to communicate effectively.
Remember Share information with the club that is received from the district, multiple district, Lions Clubs International Headquarters or Lions Clubs International Foundation. Order member pins and kits for new members Share information with the club that is received from the district, multiple district, Lions Clubs International Headquarters or Lions Clubs International Foundation. Order member pins and kits for new members
End of Term When the secretary’s term is over help the new secretary begin their year. There are some final items that need to be completed. When the secretary’s term is over help the new secretary begin their year. There are some final items that need to be completed. Ensure all reports have been filed Review records for accuracy and placement Apply for the Club President Excellence Award Maintain accurate awards records and order awards
Other Topics Covered in the Club Secretary Guide LCI Organisation Structure Club Structure Club Officer Duties Board of Directors Potential New Member Booklet Lions Learning Center Other Topics Covered in the Club Secretary Guide ***NO NEED TO ANNOUNCE THEM *** LCI Organisation Structure Club Structure Club Officer Duties Board of Directors Potential New Member Booklet Lions Learning Center
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