Organising Numeracy Resources Thanks Gillian - it works Presentation prepared by S. Allen
From The Framework….
…to classroom use. What stage? Which learning intention?
Equipment Needed a supply of bags red yellow, blue, green A4 card Numbered Cards 0-5 Guillotine Vivid marker Set of learning intentions for each stage (e.g. team solutions - A3 size) Framework Heading pages (one on each colour)
Layout Stages With Learning Intention Sheets Framework Headings Number Identification Grouping and Place Value Number sequence and order Basic Facts
Bagging resources Each activity is bagged separately. Each bag is colour-coded. For example: Folded card in base of bag (1) Colour on bag (2) Each bag is labelled with its stage 1 2
Hint: Folding coloured card in half prevents laminated cards breaking the base of a plastic bag.
Addition Ladybugs: Add the counters in each half Add counters to make a given number in the empty half Where do these fit?
Multi-purpose resources Colour code with more than one colour Group with most likely use
Sorting in Process
Resources Julie Roberts CD Angie Tembura CD Exploring Maths Series Home-made games BSM activities Purchased game packs
Storage Ideas By stages By headings (colours) Individual class sets Main store
shhhh…Worksheets A clear-view file for each stage Tabs for framework headings Add sheets as you make/find/use them