Sigma Sigma Phi Upsilon Chapter Report Karen Zeigler, OMS-IV Secretary-Treasurer, Upsilon Chapter A.T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine of Arizona
Current Leadership Advisor: Thomas McWilliams, DO, FAOFCP President: Dana Ferrari, OMS-IV Vice President: Anish Garg, OMS-IV Secretary- Treasurer: Karen Zeigler, OMS-IV
Membership 22 SSP members graduated on June 7 th, many of whom matched to various residencies across the country 16 current members from Class of 2015 Inducted 13 new members on 9/15/14 from: ▪ Class of 2015 ▪ Class of 2016 ▪ Class of 2017
Membership (Cont.) Current and new membership has representation from all 11 SOMA community health center campuses across the country: ▪ Brooklyn, NY ▪ Beaufort, SC ▪ Milford, OH ▪ Flagstaff, AZ ▪ Mesa/Phoenix, AZ ▪ Tuscon, AZ ▪ Visalia/Porterville, CA ▪ Portland, OR ▪ Seattle, WA ▪ Chicago, IL ▪ Washington, DC ▪ Hawaii ▪ Alabama
Service Members must log at least 20 service hours on the SSP Upsilon Chapter website Current members have logged over 500 service hours to date Newly-inducted member applications averaged 50 service hours/year
Service This year’s planned service activities include: Mentorship program between upper/lower classmen ▪ Installing a “Community Outreach Organizer” at each campus to facilitate a more specialized, yet united, effort in providing volunteer services to our unique communities ▪Dedicated Volunteer Service Day each month
Changes 1) Adopted the national SSP guidelines for member induction ▪ Previously, a point system was used to rank each applicant, and only officers voted 2) Expanded applicant pool to 2 nd year students ▪ Previously, only 3 rd /4 th year allowed to apply ▪ATSU-SOMA official GPA/class rank not final until end of 2 nd year ▪ Newly inducted 2 nd years will undergo periodic “GPA checks” throughout year by advisor to ensure maintenance of academic excellence ▪ 2 nd years who fall below 85% minimum GPA established by Upsilon Chapter will be asked to resign from chapter membership
Changes Prospective members required to have: ▪ 85% GPA with no course failure/remediation ▪ 90% majority vote by all 16 current members ▪ Exemplary record of service to college, community, and profession ▪ Applications were anonymized and uploaded to an online survey, current SSP members voted “Yes” or “No” to each application ▪ When clicking “No”, a voting member was asked to explain in a box below, but it was not mandatory
For the Future Elections for new officers in Spring nd application cycle in January 2015 Advertise and establish “Community Outreach Coordinator” positions at each campus to help facilitate service projects locally ▪Position does not require membership in SSP ▪Good opportunity for prospective SSP members or re- applicants
Thank you for your attention!