Build Up Skills The Netherlands BuildUpSkillsNL IEE/11/477/SI Nov 2011 – Apr 2013 Updated 30 august 2012
Consortium Building industry Coordination Knowledge Institutes VET-sector Qualification structures
National Context EU targets and legislation – Energy saving (EPBD-recast) – Sustainable energy in built environment (RES-Directive) Dutch implementation of EU regulations New building regulations Green Deals, NEEAP-II, MmM, TOP-sectors. Collapse in the building sector More focus on retrofitting en energy saving
Support of market actors Business: Building, Installation, Refrigeration, Roofing, Isolation and Energy branches, Federation of contractors, Architects association, Building Materials Association, Labor Unions, Development funds, Knowledge Centres for Building and Installation, Engineers association etc. Government: Departments of Education, Economy and Internal Affairs Vocational institutions: VET Council, Training Centres, Training Colleges, Educational Platform Sustainability
Project objectives & ambition Determine the need for skilled workforce 2020 Develop methodology for permanent analysis Plan for anchoring knowledge and skills in VET qualification structure Embed training in reschooling, existing curricula and VET work practice Formation of BuildUpSkillsNL Platform
Endorsement Connect with market actors Join initiatives Obtain government commitment Connect to qualifications OBJECTIVE: support from government and market actors involved joint development of education and training on energy efficiency and sustainable building Expectation towards market actors: Sharing of insights Commitment to actions arising from the road map Transfer results to policy and supporters
Contact Project coordinator OTIB Peter Smulders Postbus AK Woerden