The National University Special Education Internship Introduction to the Program
Purpose The National University Internship program provides opportunities for credential candidates to assume the responsibilities of full time teachers while completing their professional studies. The Internship program also addresses school district and agency needs for qualified teachers in special education.
Requirements for Acceptance into the Special Education Internship Possession of a baccalaureate degree. Subject matter competence verified by exam (MSAT or SSAT or CSET). Completion of an U.S. Constitution course or exam. Passage of CBEST. Completion of pre-service coursework EXC 602A and EXC 604 Negative TB test Certificate of Clearance
Requirements for Enrollment A contract for full time employment in a school district or agency participating in the NU Internship program. Completion of admissions packet Interview with Faculty Intern Advisor who signs off on “Intern Qualified Application” Formal recommendation to CCTC by NU with signed agreement authorizing the placement of the Intern Student meets qualifications outlined above.
In Addition…. NU students may enter the Special Education Internship program at any point in the credential program, once they have met the basic requirements. Interns should receive a minimum of 4 months of support prior to beginning the two month/45 day Supervised Teaching experience. Once the Internship Credential is processed, students will be enrolled in EXC 655I Intern Induction Seminar.
Program Information Interns must complete the Education Specialist Level I credential program within the two years. Students may complete courses online. The Internship credential is valid only in the district or agency where an Intern has been contracted to teach.
Supervised Teaching (Student Teaching) Interns receive support from Intern Support Providers (ISP). One ISP is an employee of the school district/agency. A support provider from NU will also be assigned to each intern. Students must complete a “supervised teaching” experience lasting 9 weeks/45 days at the completion of their credential program. The NU Supervisor and the Site Administrator (or designee) complete observations and a final evaluation of the Intern’s performance during the 9 week/45 day experience.
Supervised Teaching (Student Teaching) Interns apply for the Supervised Teaching portion of their program when they begin the Specialization Courses. (Student teaching application form) They must indicate 9 weeks/45 days when they plan to complete the supervised teaching. Interns must register for EXC 603A Student Teaching Seminar when they are completing supervised teaching. The NU supervisor and the Site Administrator (or designee) will complete observations and evaluations of the Intern’s performance. Intern Support Providers (ISP) will work with each Intern to complete a competency log.
Supervised Teaching (Student Teaching) Interns do not complete a teaching experience in more than one setting, although they may complete observations in other settings as required by the NU support provider or NU supervisor. Note: Interns in Non-public schools may be required to complete observations and activities in a public school setting as described in Student Teaching Handbook. The Student Teaching Handbook policies and procedures apply to Interns during their teaching experience.
NU Intern: Role and Responsibilities Complete NU Education Specialist program within 2 years of receiving Internship Credential Attend EXC 655I Induction Seminar and complete Induction Plan along with other assignments Schedule and prepare for monthly observations with Site Support Provider and NU support provider. Seek assistance and support when needed. Interns should be observed or visited each month by district and NU Intern Support Providers. Apply for Supervised Teaching to be completed during final 9 weeks (45 days) of your credential program.
Intern responsibilities continued: Coordinate with an assigned NU supervisor to schedule observations during Supervised Teaching. Prepare lesson plans for each observation and plans at least 24 hours in advance to NU supervisor Register for EXC 603A Student Teaching seminar during supervised teaching. Coordinate with the Site Administrator or designee for observations and a final evaluation of performance
Intern responsibilities continued, Complete the portfolio requirements to be reviewed by the NU supervisor and instructor for the EXC 603A Apply for the Level I Education Specialist Credential when you have successfully completed the Supervised Teaching Portion of the program and all exit requirements (Exit Exam and RICA). Complete the application for the CLAD certificate (CLD 627 Methods for Cross-Cultural Instruction must be completed) with a Credential Advisor.
Regional Faculty Intern Advisor: Role and Responsibilities Serve as liaison between NU and district/agency. Facilitate communication regarding the requirements of the internship in special education. Interview potential interns and sign Intern Qualified Application. Assist district/agency in the selection of the Site Support Provider and assign NU Support provider for each intern. Teach EXC 655I Intern Induction Seminar quarterly and facilitate the mentoring relationships between interns and their support providers. Meet each semester with Intern Support Providers to provide training, support and information. Oversee Internship in Special Education at regional center. Sign off on Intern Support Provider log sheets, intervene when necessary to resolve problems at local site, provide academic advising and counsel for interns Coordinate regional program with Regional Lead Faculty and State Special Education Internship Coordinator
Site Intern Support Provider: Role and Responsibilities Develop a confidential, mentoring relationship with your NU Intern. Establish regular meetings with the Intern to reflect on teaching practice and support professional growth. These meetings may be held at the school site, over the telephone, or via . Complete competency checklist with Intern. Arrange for classroom visits and complete observation form(s) and monthly Intern Support Provider log sheets. Submit Intern Support Provider logs and observation forms monthly to NU in order to receive reimbursement from the grant. One classroom visit/observation is required each month. Additional support is recorded on the second Observation/Contact form. Maintain contact with NU Regional Faculty Intern Advisor and NU Intern Supervisors.
NU Support Provider: Role and Responsibilities Develop a confidential, mentoring relationship with your NU Intern. Establish regular contact with the Intern to reflect on teaching practice and support professional growth. This contact should include one classroom visit along with other contacts via phone, , or face-to-face meetings. Arrange for classroom visits and complete observation form(s) and monthly Intern Support Provider log sheets. Submit Intern Support Provider logs and observation forms monthly to NU in order to receive reimbursement from the grant. One classroom visit/observation is required each month. Additional support is recorded on the second Observation/Contact form. Maintain contact with NU Regional Faculty Intern Advisor and NU Intern supervisors.
NU Intern Supervisor: Role and Responsibilities An NU Intern supervisor is assigned to each intern at the end of the credential program for the purpose of verifying teaching competencies via classroom observations. Clarify “supervised teaching” expectations (4 observations and 2 evaluations) Contact Site Administrator regarding “supervised teaching” requirements and provide forms for site administrator. Arrange for final observations and debriefing conferences with Intern. Contact Intern Support Providers with schedule of observations. Invite ISPs to join the observations and debrief. Complete required observations and evaluations and submit to Placement Specialist at the NU Student Teaching Office.
Site Administrator: Role and Responsibilities Support mentoring relationship between Intern and Support provider. Provide feedback to Intern regarding instructional practice and expectations of the district. Observe Intern (or assign a designee) during “Supervised Teaching” portion of the credential program. Complete classroom observations (may use forms completed as part of the required district/agency observations) and a final summative evaluation form. Complete NU evaluation of Intern’s teaching performance and submit forms to NU supervisor.
Placement Specialist Role and Responsibilities Verifies the status of Intern Partnerships with districts/agencies Tracks enrolled interns Creates packets for ISPs, NU Intern Supervisors and Site Administrators Verifies and signs monthly log sheets for ISPs and NU Supervisors Secures Faculty Intern Supervisor signature Provides copies of Observations Forms for Faculty Intern Supervisor Updates students’ files monthly with 1 copy of log sheet, 1/2 copies of pink “Intern Observation/Contact Form” Sends monthly log (original and copy) to State Special Education Internship Coordinator Communicates with Intern Grant accountant if necessary
Credential Advisor Role and Responsibilities Checks to see if potential Intern qualifies for the Intern Credential Verifies the district has a partnership agreement Helps with “Intern Qualified Appliccation”, sets up appointment with Regional Faculty Intern Advisor and potential intern Once “Intern Qualified Application” is completed, it is sent for processing to Torrey Pines office At end of program, helps students complete application process for Preliminary Level I Edcuation Specialist Credential
Associate Regional Dean Role and Responsibilities Secures contracts in cooperation with faculty, staff, students, and others Ensures that all potential and established University Interns are in contact with Faculty Intern Advisor for program and academic advising Ensures that all potential and established University Interns interface with Credential Advisors for entrance and exit requirements Ensures that all Interns contact the Placement Specialist for information regarding their experience
State Special Education Internship Coordinator: Role and Responsibilities Orchestrates and oversees all aspects of the Special Education Internship program throughout the state Supports Faculty Intern Advisors at each regional center Reviews and signs monthly log sheets for ISP and NU Intern Supervisors. Coordinates with the Intern Grant Director and the Intern Grant Accountant to ensure all grant funds are correctly dispersed
Questions???? For more information contact the Regional Faculty Intern Advisor coordinating Internships at your center, or Contact Dr. Joan Sebastian, NU Statewide Coordinator for Internships in Special Education or