Warm Ups
Why use warm-ups? Change the group’s energy Bonding new groups Awakening / Developing skills Introducing ideas to be used in group work
Warm-ups should directly link to the main part of the lesson ……..There should be a natural flow into instrumental work
Different warm ups serve different purposes
Changing Energy or Posture Physical activities… Stretching Balance games Body awareness exercises Focus activities Focus on a sense / removal of a sense (closed eyes) ‘Mind gym’ games (crossing hands, patting head rubbing stomach)
Following the Leader Copy the leader’s… Physical Actions Body Percussion Singing Activities where students lead
Ensemble Development Pass the Clap / Sound / Action around a circle Unison activities such as playing a body percussion / singing together The ‘human knot’ game
Musical Skills Rhythm Games Pitch Games Timbre Games Dynamics Games
Other Skills Creative / Imaginative Improvisational Spatial awareness
Shaping warm ups Am I passing the clap to…. Develop a sense of ensemble? Improve focus? Achieve a musical rhythmic flow? Change the group’s posture?
Change games / create new games to meet your needs
Think about using these activities mid-session to… Focus on a skill student’s are finding difficult on instruments Re-focus a group Take a break from a longer exercise