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Shopping is a way to buy things for you and others. This can be done either by online shopping or going to the shop yourself. People are not sure when online shopping was invented but people think that it is easy to do and so simple. In England is the biggest shopping warehouse in the world which is Amazon. Online shopping is not just for food, it can be used to buy clothes, TV’s, game consoles and many more house hold objects. I think that it has effected our lives because if you are busy and you don’t have much time, you can tell the service that is delivering your shopping what time you would like them to deliver it. HOME
Research can be used by going onto search engines like `Google` for example. You type in what you want to find and Google will find the answers for you. I think that it has effected our lives by a great amount because in the old days, if you wanted to find information you would have to go to a library and find the answer. The benefits are that you could type in a question and it comes up with an answer but the website answers might have been changed. HOME
School work/home work is very important in life. The computer has helped many people with their work because if you needed to research for home work, you would need to go to the local library and look in a book. But now with the computer you can research on a search engine and find your answer. It has effected peoples lives massively because you can do your homework at home instead of going to a library HOME
1.What is the technology ? 2.How is it used? 3.How has it affected our lives? 4.What are the benefits/drawbacks ? TECHNOLOGY HOW IS IT USED HOW HAS IT AFFECTED OUR BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS
The first ever home computer was invented in 1981 by IBM (International Business Machines Corp) It was called the IBM The graphics on the computers were poor in those days because of the lack of technology. As years have passed more high tech computers have been made and also laptops were being made. The first laptop was made in 1981 and was called the Osborne 1. It was invented by Osborne Computer Corporation. For this laptop to work you had to have it plugged into mains all the time because it didn't run on a battery. RESEARCH PAGE
There are lots of different uses for a computer. The technology is great because you can use Microsoft Excel for data logging, Microsoft Word for writing stories and jotting down information and also you can use PowerPoint to make presentations to show others. The Computer can also be used for Social Networking. For example, Facebook, Twitter and MSN. These websites mean that you can talk to your friends online. Another example : Online Shopping. This means that you can order shopping online so the company that you are ordering from will bring it to your home. Also you can tell them what period of time you would like them to deliver it in. RESEARCH PAGE
The computer has affected our lives by a great amount because we don`t have to send a friend a letter anymore, we can just go on a Social Networking website and talk to them on there. Another reason why it has affected our lives is that back when the computers had not been invented, children played board games but now children just go onto websites like Miniclip and Friv to play more exciting games. When we have to do a piece of Homework, you used to go to the local Library and research information. But now you can just go on a search engine like Google and type in what you want to find out. RESEARCH PAGE
There are lots of Benefits and Drawbacks for a computer. Benefits: One of the Benefits are that you can look up a recipe for you to cook on the internet instead of getting all of your old, dusty cook books out. Also another benefit is that in a car you can tell your built in Navigation system to go where you set it to go. This means that you don't have to look in a map. Drawbacks: One of the Drawbacks for an computer is that if you order shopping online, the people delivering it could either be late with your shopping, go to the wrong house and maybe even give you the wrong shopping. RESEARCH PAGE END PAGE