Fear of Public Speaking Created by: Kyle Burkhart Ivy Curtis Clarice Moreno Angela Rojo Brittany Steadman
Video atch?v=Lmf0F7JxxXE
Scenario Jane is terrified of public speaking. She has struggled with this challenge for years; and, even though she sought the help of a teacher in high school, nothing has really helped. She recently had to give a presentation in her ENG 101 class, and it went terribly. Her voice shook, she turned red in the face, and she stumbled through most of the material. Disappointingly, she received a failing grade for the assignment. She felt angry and blamed her instructor. She considered dropping the class, but unfortunately the withdrawal deadline had passed. This experience impacted all the rest of her classes. She began to dread speaking up in class at all. As time went by, she began to feel as if perhaps she wasn’t college material after all. Negative thoughts consumed her. “I’m a terrible student.” “I’ll never get over this fear.” “School is such a waste of time.” “Why can’t I just take the courses I like?” In general, her stress led to a decline the grades for all her classes. Her confidence plummeted, and she began to withdraw from the friends and activities she used to enjoy.
Fears of public speaking? Being Judged Messing up Being Center of attention Negative feedback
10 steps to overcoming your fear! 1.Take the plunge 2.Mind matters 3.Preparation Pays 4.Know your audience 5.Reach out to like minded people 6. Take criticism positively 7. Persevere 8. Let go of the perfectionist in you 9. Bounce back Chttp:// 0-ways-to-conquer-fear-of-public- speaking/elebrate your success
Communication Communicating with your Teacher: 1.Taking advantage of office hours. 2. ing 3.Letting them know about aspects you struggle in.
Communication Communicating with your Advisor: 1.Telling them about your problems before you take a class. 2.Having them help you pick classes that fit/help you with learning styles. 3.Making sure they help you with talking to your teachers.
Communication Communicating with your peers/friends: 1.Talking to your peers and helping get advice on how to give a good speech. 2.Helps make you feel more comfortable in your classroom 3.Have them listen to you and practice in front of them to get feed back.
Campus Resources CALL is a Public Speaking tutoring service offered at ASU West campus. They assist with Brainstorming, Research, and Organization. As well as Delivery, and Speech Anxiety.
Call Hours & Location CALL is located at ASU West campus in Room Sands 334, just North of Fletcher Library. CALL hours are Monday and Tuesday 10am-7pm Wednesday and Thursday 10am-5pm Friday 10am-3pm
Courses CALL tutors a majority of communication classes: COM 100: Introduction to Human Communication COM 207 Introduction to Human Inquiry COM 225: Public Speaking COM 259: Communication in Business & the Professions COM 342: Oral History and Story Telling
Contacting CALL (602) Aaron Romans at Catalina Cayetano at Saint Ranson CALL Director: Bonnie Wetzel at
Online Tutoring
Do ’ s & Don ’ ts DO be yourself! DO be interesting. DO be passionate. DO tell stories. DO give examples. DO look at the audience. DO let people ask questions anytime. DO finish on time.
Do ’ s & Don ’ ts DON ’ T read your speech. DON ’ T give too much data. DON ’ T use complex slides. DON ’ T avoid your audience. DON ’ T be abstract. DON ’ T use big, complex words. DON ’ T be monotone. DON ’ T be boring. DON ’ T go over your allotted time.
Other Resources Use the Internet YouTube influential public speakers Practice, Practice, Practice! Self help books Public speaking seminars
Motivation People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily,” - Zig Ziglar A Person Should *Listen to motivational recordings *Read motivational books *Surround themselves with people who encourage them to stay motivated.
Encouragement 4 Mental & Physical Hacks 1. Come prepared 2. Remember the audience 3. Breathe 4. Stand Up Straight “You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” -John Ford
SUPPORT Support can come from: Family, friends, and teachers. It’s also good to have a familiar face in the audience to keep you calm, motivated, and encouraged.