Commercial Structural Framing Systems The Skeleton of the Building The structure of life I have described in buildings... is deeply and inextricably connected with the human person, and with the innermost nature of human feelings. -Christopher Alexander
Commercial Structural Framing Systems Purpose Low Rise Framing Systems Cast-in-Place Concrete Structural Steel Load Bearing Walls Hybrid Systems Cost Structural Efficiency
PURPOSE The purpose of structural framing is provide Strength – Holds the structure up (and holds it down) despite Gravity (vertical) loads Lateral (sideways) loads Stability – Maintains the shape and minimizes movement
Commercial Framing Systems Low Rise (three stories or less) commercial framing systems may be similar to residential construction Wood framing Light gauge steel framing
Commercial Framing Systems Commercial building considerations Heavy traffic Heavier loads More wear and tear Larger open spaces Easy Maintenance However, usage of commercial buildings often differs from residential usage.
Common Commercial Framing Systems Cast-in- Place Concrete Framing Structural Steel Framing Load Bearing Walls Hybrid Systems
Cast-in-Place Concrete Forms are built Reinforcing is placed Concrete is poured and finished in place Wooden forms used to cast slabs ©
Cast-in-Place Concrete Frame Concrete Column Structural Concrete Slab
Structural Steel Structural members are fabricated off siteMembers are delivered to the siteMembers are erected per the design ©
Structural Steel Framing Structural Steel Column Open Web Steel Roof Joists Structural Steel Floor Beams Steel Decking Lateral Brace Courtesy Connie Bertucci
Load Bearing Walls Masonry Pre-cast concrete Tilt-up concrete Load Bearing Walls Wood Framing Light Gauge Steel Framing Structural Steel Floor and Roof Masonry load bearing walls with light gauge steel trusses Courtesy IOP Rec Center Tilt-up load bearing walls with structural steel and open web steel joist floor and roof framing Courtesy Tilt-up Concrete Association
Load Bearing Walls Courtesy Carolina Concrete Masonry Association Load Bearing CMU Wall Open Web Wood Floor Joists
Hybrid Framing Systems Hybrid Systems combine two or more different framing systems Courtesy TexAZ Business Park Cast-in-Place Concrete Load Bearing Walls Structural Steel Framing
Cost The cost of construction is an important consideration when choosing a structural system The cost of a structure is directly related to the weight of materials used to build the structure Lower material weight = Lower cost Higher material weight = Higher cost
Structural Efficiency Ratio of the maximum design load that a structure will carry to the weight of the structure itself Higher structural efficiency means less material weight = Lower cost Lower structural efficiency means more material weight = Higher cost Design Load = Load a structure is designed to carry
Commercial Structural Framing Systems Purpose Low Rise Systems Cast-in-Place Concrete Structural Steel Load Bearing Walls Hybrid Systems Cost Structural Efficiency
References Ching, Francis D. K., and Cassandra Adams. Building Construction Illustrated, 3rd Edition. (2000) New York: Wiley. Ramsey, Charles George. Ramsey/Sleeper architectural graphics standards. (2000) New York: John Wiley.
Image Sources Tilt Up Concrete Association. iStockphoto. Connie Bertucci, Victor Senior High School, Victor, NY TexAZ Commercial Properties, LLC Carolinas Concrete Masonry Association. us.htm us.htm