EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP UPGRADES Important Questions to Ask: 1.Does the educator hold a professional L or PL certificate? 2.Is the degree program a state-approved L (reciprocity) or PL leading to leadership certification in Georgia? 3.When was the educator enrolled and what is the anticipated completion date?
Does the educator hold a professional L or PL certificate? Educators holding a professional certificate in leadership may choose Option 1 and complete a degree in leadership that meets the new standards but does NOT lead to Performance- Based leadership. Educators that do not hold a professional leadership certificate may choose Option 2 and complete a Performance-Based leadership program.
Is the degree program state-approved leading to a L (reciprocity) or PL certificate? If the degree program is an approved program leading to a L certificate by initial reciprocity, HB455/923 will determine if you can pay the educator. If the degree program is a Georgia approved Performance-Based program leading to a PL certificate, HB455/923 will determine if you can pay the educator.
When was the educator enrolled and what is the anticipated completion date? If the degree was earned from a GaPSC-approved or accepted institution by reciprocity prior to July 1, 2010, then the educator will be paid on the degree level regardless of position assignment. If the educator was enrolled in a GaPSC-approved or accepted leadership degree program prior to April 1, 2009, and Complete the masters degree by July 1, 2012, or Complete the specialist degree by July 1, 2013, or Complete the doctoral degree by July 1, 2014, then the educator is grandfathered AT THE LEVEL OF THAT DEGREE and will be paid on that degree level regardless of position assignment.
Consider this… Educator will apply from South Carolina for initial Georgia certification after completion of an state- approved Ed.S leadership program from the University of South Carolina 8/15/11. She holds a professional certificate in History and Leadership. Will she qualify for a Clear Renewable certificate in leadership YES Will she receive level 6 pay for the leadership degree?
She will only qualify for level 6 pay if enrolled in the leadership degree program by April 1, If not, she must be employed in a leadership position in Georgia to receive the pay.
Let’s try another… Educator holds a Clear Renewable certificate in Mathematics 6-12 and Educational Leadership (L704) at level 5 based on completion of an approved program prior to 9/30/09. He is teaching mathematics but currently enrolled in an Ed.S. degree Program with UGA in Educational Leadership. It is not a Performance-Based program. Will this educator receive a pay increase based on this degree? YES WHY?
This degree is not an approved Performance-Based leadership program leading to a PL certificate but it does meet Option 1 (in-field) of the Upgrade Rule.
Now think about this… The same educator later enrolls in a Performance- Based Ed.D. program with UGA. He completes the program while still teaching mathematics and functioning in a role as the Department Chair. Will this educator receive a pay increase based on this degree? NO When will he receive the pay increase? When placed in a leadership position.
Let’s look at one more Educator holds a Clear Renewable certificate in English 6-12 and completed a M.Ed program in Educational Leadership with Mercer University in December Did this educator receive a pay increase based on this degree? YES Why?
There are no approved leadership programs at the Master’s level in Georgia after 9/30/09 and this educator met the Upgrade Rule grandfathering timeline.
Example sent to I hold a Georgia Clear Renewable teaching certificate and will be completed with my Masters Admin/Supervision on July 11, 2011 through Liberty University. Liberty is both NCATE and SACS approved. I have taken and passed the SLLA for Virginia Licensure and am currently scheduled for the GACE for Ed Leadership on March 26, Am I correct in understanding that I CAN continue with Liberty University for my Specialist or Doctoral Degree program in Ed Leadership and it be recognized by the state of Georgia ?
Our response… Effective 9/30/09, master’s level leadership certification programs as well as out-of-state leadership certification programs are no longer acceptable for Georgia certified educators to add leadership certification. So this means you are not affected by the HB 455/923 legislation and would be able to qualify to upgrade your certificate with the Liberty University master’s program in administration/supervision. But you would not be able to add certification in Educational Leadership with this program. Although you are eligible to upgrade your current certification, you will not be able to complete a higher degree in Educational Leadership at Liberty University unless you first establish professional certification by completion of a Georgia Performance-Based Leadership degree program at the Specialist or Doctorate level. Please keep in mind that you will not be paid for a Performance-Based Leadership degree unless you are placed in a leadership position.
What’s New about Educational Leadership? No new Non-Renewable (NL) Pre-Service Leadership certificates will be issued after December 15, These certificates, based on the previous requirements of completing a Master’s degree or higher and passing the Leadership GACE, shall continue in effect until their ending validity dates and will not be reinstated. Since we no longer issue this certificate, it should not be required for eligibility into a Performance-Based leadership program or for verifying eligibility for leadership employment.
Eligibility for Nonrenewable Performance-Based certificate (NPL) The educator holds a Master’s degree or higher in Educational Leadership and is employed in a leadership position. The school system may request the NPL.
Eligibility for Nonrenewable Performance-Based certificate (NPL) The educator is employed in a leadership position and holds a Master’s degree or higher in a GaPSC-accepted non-educational leadership field. The school system may request the NPL. Enrollment in an approved program will include completion of coursework or its equivalent determined by a *GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program provider of not more than six semester hours to include a course in school law and ethics. Until 8/31/11, providers may require the GACE Leadership assessment.
Performance-Based Program GaPSC-Approved Performance-Based Program is a state- approved program in GA that enhances an educator’s preparation for leadership positions/roles and will lead to leadership certification. Please visit and click on Approved Programs for more information.
Who Can Enroll in a Program? Georgia educators who are in a Leadership position or a Leadership role and have met the prerequisites for program entry can enroll in a Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program.
Leadership Positions Leadership positions that require certification are those positions in which an individual has authority and supervisory responsibilities. Only educators in Leadership positions can hold an NPL 706 or 707 certificate.
Leadership Roles Leadership Roles are defined by the local school system. Educators who serve in a role while completing the preparation program receive a professional certificate upon completion of the Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program for either building level or school system level leaders. (rule ). However, if the program resulted in a higher degree, the educator will only receive a pay increase based on HB455/923 guidelines.
Keep in mind as we move through the following slides… “Out of State approved programs” refer to programs in other states that lead to initial leadership certification for non-GA educators. Acceptable experience is experience earned while holding a “professional” certificate as defined by the GaPSC.
Georgia Educators and Educational Leadership The educator completed a state-approved program at the Master’s level or higher or holds/held a professional leadership certificate before 9/30/09. This educator is eligible for the Clear Renewable Leadership “704” certificate upon completion of all Special Georgia Requirements or the school system may request an NL certificate. The only educators who receive NPL or PL certificates are the ones affiliated with a GaPSC State Approved Performance-Based Leadership Program.
Reciprocity and Educational Leadership The applicant is an out-of-state educator with a professional level 5 leadership certification or completed a state-approved program at the Master’s level or higher before 12/15/10. This educator is eligible for the Clear Renewable Leadership “704” certificate upon completion of all Special Georgia Requirements or the school system may request an NL certificate.
Reciprocity and Educational Leadership The applicant is an out-of-state educator with a Master’s degree and an out-of-state educational leadership certificate with three years of successful leadership experience in their state in a leadership position. This educator is eligible for the leadership “704” certificate, based upon acceptable experience and the out-of-state certificate.
Reciprocity and Educational Leadership The applicant completed an out-of-state approved program at the Master’s level or earned a leadership certificate at that level after with less than 3 years of professional leadership experience. Educator must complete a GaPSC-approved Performance- Based Educational Leadership Program at Level 6 or 7 and satisfy all Special Georgia requirements for a Georgia professional certificate. The school system may request an NPL certificate.
Reciprocity and Educational Leadership An applicant has an out-of-state certificate or completed an approved leadership program at the Specialist degree or higher [level 6 or 7]. The educator is eligible for a Clear Renewable leadership “704” certificate upon completion of all Special Georgia Requirements. The school system may request an NL certificate.
Remember Effective 12/15/10: We no longer issue the NL705. NPL 706 or 707 certificates may be requested for educators that hold a master’s degree or higher and are placed in a leadership position. Reciprocity for educators completing Educational Leadership programs after 12/15/10 is at the Specialist or Doctoral degree level except for educators that completed a Master’s degree program and have three years of acceptable leadership experience while holding the professional certificate.
CLAIMS Certificate and License Application Information Management System The CLAIMS program is now available through your account and will assist you with processing 5 different titles of certificates: Clearance Certificates, Paraprofessional Certificates, Non-instructional Aide Certificates, Support Personnel Licenses and Adjunct Licenses. A video tutorial is available for each of the 5 certificates that are issued through the CLAIMS program. The previous buttons on your account for processing Paraprofessional Certificates, Non-instructional Aide Certificates, Support Personnel Licenses and Adjunct Licenses have been disabled.
Clearance Certificate With the new CLAIMS program when you issue an initial or renew a Paraprofessional Certificate, Non-instructional Aide Certificate, Support Personnel License or Adjunct License, a Clearance Certificate will also automatically issued. You will also use the CLAIMS program to issue a single Clearance Certificate to an educator who is employed in your school system but may not be required to hold any other type of Georgia educator certificate or a newly hired educator, not moving from another school system, who already holds a Clear Renewable certificate. The ACRES renewal program will be updated very soon to allow you to issue Clearance Certificates when you are renewing Clear Renewable certificates that are expiring 6/30/11 or later All other transactions requiring the GaPSC to issue a certificate will result in the issuance of the Clearance certificate.
Friendly Reminders When in doubt… us: