21-1 The New Immigrants
The Lure of America Old Immigrants- mostly Protestant from northwestern Europe Irish, British, German, French Arriving between New Immigrants- mostly south and eastern Europe Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese Arriving between
Push Factors Something that “pushes” you out of your home country or “causes you to leave” Religious persecution, scarce (limited) land, famine, no jobs, wars, family already left
Pull Factors Something that “pulls” or “attracts” an immigrant to a new country Job opportunities, land, religious freedom, political freedom, to be with family
Arriving in America Very difficult journey that lasted weeks-months Most immigrants traveled in the steerage compartment of the ship Steerage- below deck compartment in the poorest conditions, cramped, dark, overcrowded Most Europeans entered through Ellis Island (NY) Most Asians entered through Angel Island (San Fran)
Stop and Think Explain what a pull factor is and give three examples Explain what a push factor is and give three examples Describe the conditions that many immigrants faced as they traveled to America
Immigration Station Extremely loud, crowded Had to undergo medical exam Criminal record check Sometimes had name changed or alteredchanged or altered
Starting a New Life Immigrants faced a very difficult time when moving into America Language barrier, finding jobs, caring for families, finding a place to live
Nativists Oppose Immigration Nativists- people who hated immigrants Felt they were going to take their jobs Very prejudice people
Immigrant Communities “Patchwork” of ethnic and cultural pockets throughout many cities Settled in the same places as their families, people of their home countries Acculturation- process of holding on to older traditions while adapting to new ones Learning slang, sports, foods, language, traditions, etc.
Chinese Exclusion Act Due to the economic fall in 1873 and scarce jobs, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act This act prevented Chinese from entering the U.S.
Stop and Think What was the immigration station for most European immigrants? Asian immigrants? Describe some of the difficulties that immigrants faced upon arrival to America. Where did most immigrants settle once they made it to America?
Journal You are an immigrant from a country of your choosing. You just made the very long and difficult journey to America. Write a letter back home to describe for your family and friends what the journey was like and what they can expect. Be sure to include the following: What country your from Why you are leaving (2 push factors) Why you are going to America (2 pull factors) The journey itself Your experience at Ellis Island Where you are living in NYC