Breakfast The Mystery Meal Part A The Traditional Food Based Menu Planning Option
Traditional Food-Based Menu Planning Requires specific food group components be served in certain amounts Meal pattern must provide ¼ of the RDA for key nutrients for specific age/grade groups for breakfast
Food Based Menu Planning Planned Menu must include all 4 components 1.Bread/Grain or Meat/Meat Alternate 2.2 nd Bread/Grain or Meat/Meat Alternate 3.Fruit or Vegetable 4.Fluid Milk
Breakfast Food Based Menu Planning Understanding the Grain and Meat Components The planned menu must include either –2 full servings of Bread/Grain OR –2 ounces of Meat/Meat Alternate OR –1 full serving of Bread/Grain & 1 ounce of Meat/Meat Alternate
What Does that Look Like? Bread/Grains 2 Meat/Meat Alternates 1 Bread/Grain & 1 Meat/Meat Alternate OR
What Do You Mean By Full Serving? A Full serving of Bread/Grain = –1 slice toast –bagel or biscuit ( 25 gm or 0.9 oz) –1 oz or ¾ cup ready to eat cereal Check the Food Buying Guide (Section 3- 15) for Bread/Grain serving size details Remember !! If serving 2 Bread/Grains, together they must equal 2 full servings
??The Muffin Mystery?? Do you know how much your muffins weigh? 1 muffin may not equal 1 serving Food Buying Guide Group D Muffins (all, except corn) 1 serving = 50 gm or 1.8 oz Food Buying Guide Group C Corn Muffins 1 serving = 31 gm or 1.1 oz
I make my own muffins ! I don’t have a scale! Use the chart ! Food Buying Guide Section 3 Pages 12&13 To calculate the Grain/Bread Contribution from a recipe
A FULL portion of Meat/Meat Alternate is: Lean meat/poultry or fish1 oz. Cheese1 oz. Egg (large)½ Peanut butter 2 Tbsp. Ckd dry beans and peas4 Tbsp. Nuts and seeds1 oz. Yogurt, plain or flavored4 oz. or ½ C
What about the rest of the meal? In addition to serving Bread/Grains &/or Meat Alternates as 2 of the breakfast components, the planned breakfast menu must also include: Grades K-12 –A fruit or vegetable½ C or Juice4 oz AND –Fluid Milk8oz.
More Details Grains/Breads must be enriched or whole- grain or made from enriched or whole- grain flour or meal. Minimum for a Meat/Meat Alternate =.25 ounce and for Grains/Breads = ¼ serving No more than 1 oz of nuts &/or seeds
Offer Vs. Serve at Breakfast All 4 food components must be planned and offered. 1. Bread/Grain or Meat/Meat Alternate 2. 2 nd Bread/Grain or Meat/Meat Alternate 3. Fruit, Vegetable or Juice 4. Fluid Milk The student must choose 3 of the 4 offered items for the meal to be counted as reimbursable.
Let’s Practice! Is this a Reimbursable Meal as planned? Yogurt4 oz Graham Crackers1 pkg. of 2 Peach Cup½ C. 1% Milk8 oz NO!
What’s Wrong? The Bread/Grain serving of 2 graham crackers does not equal a full serving. Food Buying Guide – 2 graham crackers (13 g) = ½ grains/breads serving To equal 1 full serving you would need to serve about 4 crackers; must weigh at least 25 g or 0.9 oz.
Is This A Reimbursable Meal As Planned? Enriched CerealBowl Pack 1 ¼ oz Fresh Strawberries 1 Cup 1% Milk1 Cup NO!
What’s Wrong? The cereal would need to equal 1 ½ C or 2 oz to equal 2 full servings of Bread/Grain. 1 Bread/Grain serving = ¾ C or 1 oz., whichever is less. Or, they would need to add another Bread/Grain or Meat/Meat Alternate
Is this a reimbursable breakfast? Granola Bar w/ nuts, raisins and chocolate chips1.2 oz (35 g) Apple1/2 medium Chocolate Milk8 oz. NO!
What’s Wrong? For this granola bar to = 1 serving of grain it would have to weigh 2.2 oz (63 gm) You would need to serve 3 ¾ oz. granola bars to = 2 full servings of grain ½ apple ( count) = ½ C fruit. Chocolate milk for breakfast? =YIKES!
Buyer Beware! Remember to double check purchased products to be sure they meet a full serving. If the product is not CN labeled you will need to get a statement from the manufacturer showing the meal pattern contribution. Refer to the Food Buying Guide to be sure the product equals a full serving.
How about these breakfasts? A Scrambled Egg1 oz. Wheat Toast1 slice Orange Juice4 oz. 1% Milk1 Cup B Wheat Toast1 slice Wheat Toast1 slice Oatmeal½ Cup Oatmeal½ Cup ½ Cup Peaches½ Cup 1% Milk1 Cup 1% Milk1 Cup
Mystery Solved! Breakfast A – all 4 components are served in full serving sizes. How about the bacon? Does that count? Breakfast B – all 4 components are served in full serving sizes
Food Based Breakfast What We Have Discovered? Requires 4 specific food group components be served in certain amounts. Offer vs. Serve – Student must choose 3 of the 4 food group components offered for the meal to be reimbursable. Provide ¼ of the RDA for key nutrients for specific age/grade groups for breakfast. Production records are required.
RESOURCES USDA Manual - Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs USDA Manual - A Menu Planner for Healthy School Meals ansion/default.htmhttp:// ansion/default.htm
If You Have Questions ??? Please call your Child Nutrition Specialist: Darla Wilson Jennifer Parenteau Marcia Moquin Monica Hellweg Chris Facha