Module 2 - Assessment, Diagnosis, and Pharmacotherapy: Integrating Tobacco Use Interventions into Chemical Dependence Services
2 This training was developed by the Professional Development Program, under a contract with the NYS Department of Health, Tobacco Control Program. PDP developed five classroom-based curricula and seven online modules, which are available at
3 Welcome Add Trainer Names
4 Housekeeping Hours of Training Breaks Restrooms Tobacco Use Policy Cell Phones Active Participation Complete Pre-test/Post-test Complete Training Evaluation
Introductions 5
6 PM 6 Training Modules Module 1 – Foundations Module 2 – Assessment, Diagnosis, Pharmacotherapy Module 3 – Behavioral Interventions Module 4 – Treatment Planning Module 5 – Co-occurring Disorders E-Learning – All Modules
7 PM 7 Module 2 Agenda Assessment and Screening Stages of Change and Readiness to Change Diagnosing Tobacco Dependence Pharmacotherapy and Medical Issues Case Studies
8 PM 7 Module 2 Objectives Please refer to the list of objectives in your participant manual
Unit 1 Assessment and Diagnosis 9 PM 11
10 PM 12 Initial Assessment (Intake) Screen and Assess for Tobacco Use Assessment is revisited many times during treatment
11 PM 13 The Five A’s Ask Advise Assess Assist Arrange
12 PM 13 Reframing Language Public Health TermsRecovery Terms smokingtobacco use, dose smokertobacco user quit dateabstinence date, recovery start date cessationtreatment, recovery
13 Discussion How do you currently assess or evaluate patients regarding their alcohol, drug, and tobacco use?
14 Discussion What are some issues/domains that you assess with your clients through the intake assessment process?
15 PM 14 Assessment Domains Presenting problem Family/living environment/social functioning Educational Employment Medical/medications Mental health status and symptoms Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use Stage of change for each problem area Supports & strengths
16 PM 15 Sample of Screening Tools Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence HONC (Hooked on Nicotine Checklist ) Heaviness of Smoking Index (HSI – Questions 1 and 4 of the Fagerström)
17 Tobacco Screening Tool Review Small Group Discussion Review how the tool is used Pros & Cons of each tool Large Group Discussion PM
18 PM CO Monitor Immediate feedback Immediate measure of success Additional assessment tool
19 PM % 20%
20 PM 27
21 PM 28 Stages of Change Vary By Problem Stage of change vary for each problem and substance used. Patients may be willing/unwilling to: Become abstinent from tobacco Attempt to reduce tobacco use Take tobacco medications to mange withdrawal Make major lifestyle changes to avoid relapse
22 PM 29 Assessing Readiness, Willingness, and Ability to Change Tobacco Use Uses tobacco and is willing to stop Uses tobacco but is not willing to stop Willing and ready to stop, but not able Willing, ready, and able to stop Previously used tobacco, not using currently Never used tobacco
23 DSM-IV-TR Criteria for Substance Dependence Criteria for Nicotine Dependence (305.1) a.k.a. Tobacco Dependence Criteria for Nicotine Withdrawal (292.0) PM
Unit 2 Tobacco Treatment Medications 24 PM 35
25 PM Evidence-Based Practices Clinical Practice Guideline 2008 Update: Nicotine-based medications are effective Non-nicotine medications are effective Supportive counseling is effective Counseling and medication is more effective than either method alone Advise all patients to use medication, unless contra- indicated or lack of evidence of effectiveness
26 PM 38 The Patch: (arrgh!) The Basics Over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription Different dosages available Nicotine has no drug-to- drug interactions
27 PM 38 Nicotine Patch ConsiderationsPrimary side effects: local skin reaction, insomnia PrecautionsPregnancy Category D Dosage and Duration 21mg/24 hours for 4 weeks; then 14mg/24 hours for 2 weeks; then 7mg/24 hours for 2 weeks AvailabilityOver the counter (OTC) and Prescription
28 PM 39 Nicotine Gum: The Basics OTC availability “Chew and park”- use on a fixed schedule Absorbed through mucosa in cheek Tailor dosage and duration to patient No food/drink 15 minutes before and after use How not to use nicotine gum !
29 PM 39 Nicotine Gum ConsiderationsPrimary side effects: mouth soreness, dyspepsia. Patients often do not use enough and/or use incorrectly. PrecautionsPregnancy Category D Dosage & Duration 2mg and 4mg Up to 24 pieces/day Up to 12 weeks AvailabilityOTC
30 PM 40 Nicotine Lozenges: The Basics Over-the-counter (OTC) Placed under tongue or in cheek pouch (not swallowed) so that nicotine is absorbed through mucosa Avoid food/drink 15 minutes before and after An old nicotine lozenge attempt
31 PM 40 Nicotine Lozenge ConsiderationsPrimary side effects: nausea, insomnia. Patients often do not use enough and/or use incorrectly. Provide scheduled dosing. PrecautionsPregnancy Category D Dosage & Duration 2mg and 4mg Up to 20 per day Up to 12 weeks AvailabilityOTC
32 PM 41 Nicotine Nasal Spray: The Basics Prescription only Provides highest level of nicotine by medication and gives fastest relief of cravings May cause nasal irritation Carries some dependence potential
33 PM 41 Nicotine Nasal Spray ConsiderationsPrimary side effects: nasal Irritation; some dependence potential PrecautionsSevere reactive airway disease. Pregnancy Category D Dosage and Duration 8 – 40 doses/day 3 – 6 months AvailabilityPrescription only
34 PM 42 Nicotine Inhaler: The Basics and Dosing Actually is an oral puffer, it is not inhaled By prescription only Some patients report preference for inhaler due to the simulation of smoking
35 PM 42 Nicotine Inhaler (Oral Puffer) ConsiderationsPrimary side effects: local irritation of mouth and throat; coughing, rhinitis. The best effects are achieved with frequent puffing. PrecautionsPregnancy Category D Dosage & Duration 6 – 16 cartridges/day Up to 6 months; taper dosage in final 3 months AvailabilityPrescription only
36 PM 43 Prescription non-nicotine drugs: Bupropion SR Trade names Zyban and Wellbutrin; FDA approved Failed success with NRT alone? Depression after stopping tobacco? Side effects: insomnia, dry mouth, and weight loss Not for pregnant women, people with seizures, recent sedative withdrawal, or eating disorder
37 PM 43 More about Bupropion Doubles abstinence rates when compared to placebo Effective for smoking even when patient’s depression remains unchanged No worsening of psychotic symptoms reported FDA requires black box warning for adverse effects
38 PM 43 Still MORE about Bupropion: dosing 150 mg every morning x 3 days; then 150 mg x 2 (300 mg) per day 7-12 weeks, up to 6 months
39 PM 44 Prescription non-nicotine drugs: Varenicline Non-nicotine medication approved by FDA in July 2006 (trade name Chantix) Mechanism of action: partial agonist and antagonist of specific receptors – result is less DA release / blocks nicotine activation of receptors Reduces nicotine craving and withdrawal
40 PM 44 Varenicline, cont’d ConsiderationsPsychiatric history Side effects: nausea, insomnia PrecautionsHistory of kidney disease Pregnancy Category C Note: Varenicline is 93% excreted unchanged from the kidneys and has no drug-to-drug interactions
41 PM 44 Varenicline, cont’d Dosage0.5mg 1x/day for 3 days & Duration 0.5mg 2x/day for 4 days 1.0mg 2x/day for 3 months Stop tobacco use on day 8 Use up to 6 months AvailabilityPrescription only Note: FDA now requires black box warning for adverse effects
42 PM 45 Second-Line Medications Nortriptyline and Clonidine Some evidence of effectiveness in tobacco dependence treatment, but not FDA approved for tobacco treatment Used as off-label medications Greater concern with potential side effects
43 PM 46 Combination Medications Combinations of medication works better Clinicians should consider the use of certain combination of tobacco medications that have been identified as effective. (Fiore, Jaen, Baker, et al., 2008 Clinical Practice Guideline, 2008 Update)
44 PM 46 Combination Medications, cont’d Long-term (>14 weeks) nicotine patch plus other NRT (gum, lozenge, and/or nasal spray) Nicotine patch plus nicotine inhaler or nasal spray Nicotine patch plus bupropion SR Nicotine gum or lozenge plus bupropion SR (Fiore, Jaen, Baker, et al., 2008) Bupropion SR and varenicline (Ebbert, et al., 2009)
45 PM Considerations and Contraindications Stopping use may affect other medications Due to adverse effects of smoking, practitioners sometimes choose to use medications on a case- by-case even if effectiveness not proven Contraindications for NRT
Unit 3 Case Studies 46 PM 53
47 PM 54
48 PM 54 Case Study Questions 1. Can a Fagerström score be determined? 2. Is DSM-IV-TR criteria evident for tobacco dependence and nicotine withdrawal? 3. Patient stage for tobacco use? Stage for other AOD use? 4. Key patient issues needing immediate attention? 5. Recommended treatment medications?
49 PM Bill J.
50 PM Barbara G.
51 PM Jorge G.
52 PM Alvin C.
53 PM Maryann P.
54 PM Resources The Tobacco Recovery Resource Exchange E-Learning and Online Resources OASAS
55 PM Resources OASAS BeBetter Networks NRT
Post-Test and Workshop Evaluations 56