Dr Steve Fish Director of Enterprise Dr Mike Morris Business Development Manager Dr Elaine Jensen Research Scientist Biorefining at Aberystwyth University
What is BEACON £20M biorefining initiative Aberystwyth, Swansea and Bangor University collaboration on innovation R&D Aberystwyth University is the lead partner
Sustainably Petro-chemical Industry Renewable feed stocks
Aims and Objectives Establish links between the business community and academia within Wales Develop new products and processes that will support bio-economic growth and mitigate climate change Creation of highly skilled jobs in the area of green biotech Supporting inward investment Promoting science excellence
Feasibility study to assess the potential for biorefining in Wales
Sector Analysis £8billion per year
What is the supply chain
BEACON entrepreneurial outputs Enterprises assisted 202 May 2015 Collaborative R&D25 May 2015 Gross jobs created67 May 2017 Enterprises created3 May 2017 Profit benefit£1,680,000 May 2017 Investment induced£3,360,000 May 2017 Products registered7 May 2017 Products launched16 May 2017
Primary processing facility at Aberystwyth
Secondary processing and fermentation
High pressure boiler (to 35 bar) Collection point Flash tank 30 L reaction vessel Pre-treated biomass from the flash tank SE is common scalable pre- treatment for lignocellulosic biomass. Above material will liquefy in under 1 hour with standard cellulosic enzymes.
Biochar Rig
Market sectors of companies interacting with BEACON (based on SIC codes) 56 Different companies 44 different SIC codes (some companies >1 SIC)
The Aberystwyth team Entrepreneurial/ Business Development Team Steve Fish Mike Morris Selwyn Owen Melissa Mason Nia George Ruth Rowbotham Education 6 Ph.D. students Innovation Team Iain Donnison Joe Gallagher David Bryant Ed Hodgson Colin Jackson Trish Toop David Thomas Paul Wyn Jones Sian Jones Thomas Ana Winters Athole Marshall Gordon Alison John Norris Elaine Jensen
Low Carbon Energy and the Environment KEP What does this grand challenge mean and how can we innovate associated with it
Education Innovation Pathfinder Entrepreneurs Integration of the Knowledge Triangle: The link between all three sides and the effective transmission and sharing of knowledge, information and skills for joint exploitation is crucial to delivering the jobs and growth opportunities that Europe is seeking Climate KIC
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