Friends of Wednesday’s Child Transforming the lives of children in foster care through education.
Friends of Wednesday’s Child Key Facts about FWC: Friends of Wednesday’s Child has been supporting the needs of youth in foster care in North Texas since In the last 5 years, FWC has provided for over 25,000 needs and distributed more than $1.75 million in assistance. FWC is focused on improving educational outcomes for North Texas foster youth and a is resource for educational services and supports. FWC supports youth who originated in Region 3 (19 counties) and are placed in licensed foster care homes. Our Mission: To transform the lives of children in foster care through education.
Session Agenda About Friends of Wednesday’s Child About our Portfolio of Services for Children in Foster Care Success in School, a FWC direct services program designed to improve the educational outcomes of children in foster care How to submit referrals to FWC Where can you retrieve forms and information?
How FWC Supports Improved Education Outcomes for North Texas Youth in Foster Care Training Supports Success in School Beyond the Classroom Extracurricular & Enrichment Supports FRIENDS OF WEDNESDAY’S CHILD Academic Supports
Academic Supports FWC provides assistance for the following supports including but not limited to: Tutoring (on-going throughout the year) GED Classes/Credit Recovery Summer School Higher Education Scholarships (Scholarship recipients are selected and awarded every Fall) College Campus Visits High School Milestones (graduation/senior expenses) Back to Class Readiness
Beyond the Classroom FWC Provides support for participation in extracurricular/enrichment and special recognitions including: Enrichment and extra-curricular activities Summer learning opportunities Kids to Camp scholarships Birthday Memories Personalized birthday cards and a gift cards are provided each month for upcoming birthdays. Request forms are due by the 21 st of every month for the upcoming month.
Success in School Success in School (SIS) is a direct services program that FWC launched in September in collaboration with Child Protective Services to improve the educational outcomes of children in foster care in CPS Region 3 (19 counties in North Texas). A full-time FWC Education Specialist works directly with students enrolled in the program to ensure academic success. It is a comprehensive educational services program focused on increasing the high school graduation rate of students in foster care.
Success in School is Student-Centered
SIS Program Model *Child/Youth’s educational needs met IMMEDIATE OUTCOMES *Improved attendance, school discipline, grades, engagement *Increased HS graduation rates amongst youth in foster care LONG-TERM OUTCOMES INTERMEDIATE OUTCOMES Child/Youth is referred to Success in School by Social Workers, Caregivers, Teachers Students, guardians, advocates, CPS, and schools receive support from FWC Education Specialists
Educational Services Through SIS *All services provided by FWC are free to students enrolled in the program.
How Will Student Progress Be Tracked? The Success in School model evaluates six student factors that lead to high school graduation. The first three are directly related to progress in the classroom and are tracked with school records. These include: 1. Regular Class Attendance 2. Positive Behavior 3. Passing Course Performance The last three factors evaluate attitude and engagement: 4. Meaningful participation in an extracurricular activity 5. A sense of belonging and self-determination as well as a commitment to learning 6. A student-centered plan for their future
Who Is Eligible for Referral? Any Student Who… Is currently in, or is being placed in, Permanent Managing Conservatorship (PMC) of the state. Originated in Region 3 Is currently placed in a licensed foster home in Denton, Collin, Kaufman, Rockwall, Dallas or Tarrant County Is enrolled in, or entering into, the 1 st – 10 th grades. Student must also meet at least one of the following criteria: 1.Student is behind grade level in any of his/her classes or is at risk of grade retention. 2.Student’s English proficiency and/or reading level is behind grade level. 3.Student has been referred for an individual initial evaluation to determine the need for special education and related services or if the student is currently receiving special education service under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 4.Student has transitioned to a new school within the last 6 months.
SIS Referral Process 1.Discuss Success in School (SIS) Program with the student and the student’s caregiver prior to submitting the program referral form. By submitting the referral form you are verifying that the program has been discussed with the student and caregiver. 2. Complete the Success in School Referral Form and directly to FWC’s Education Specialist. SIS Referral Form can be downloaded from our website at: Upon FWC receiving the student referral, the FWC Education Specialist will correspond with both the caseworker and the caregiver in regards to the evaluation of the student’s acceptance into the program. 4. A program enrollment determination will be made within 7 working days of FWC receiving all necessary student referral information.
Where To Find Request Forms: Forms on our website, include the following: FWC Information and Resource Packet (step by step instructions on how to submit a request for student assistance) 2015 Support Request Form 2015 Birthday Program Request Form Success in School Program Information & Referral Form *All forms are under the resources tab on our homepage*
Friends of Wednesday’s Child Success in School Key Staff Contact Information: Alisha Robertson, Mission Manager/Programs ext. 204 Kristen Draughn, Education Specialist ext. 208