Electric Toothbrush Presentation By: Alpar Turk, Rob Bongiorno, Jonathan Franz and Harsh Tulsiani
Sequence of Design Activities 1.Identified desired toothbrush qualities by customer needs survey. 2.Analyzed the toothbrush to learn its pros and cons 3.Dissected toothbrush to understand functionality 4.Researched patens for toothbrushes 5.Drew up different ideas to enhance the toothbrush 6.Made pugh charts to find best designs 7.Drew sketches of model tooth brush 8.Created a soldworks model of the toothbrush 9.Finalized project to present new and improved toothbrush design
C:\Users\rob\Documents\Copy of projetc_management_template.xls
DurabilityCompactnessUser Friendly Eco FriendlyTotal Decimal Durability Compactness User Friendly Eco Friendly User Friendly Easy to clean Low maintenanceSafeEfficientTotal Easy to clean Low maintenance Safe Efficient Total Durability2.1 Reliable 2.2 Water resistant 2.3 Damage resistanceTotalDecimal 2.1 Reliable Water resistant Damage resistance Total Problem Statement: To design a stable toothbrush that is durable, compact, user friendly and eco friendly
Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery GearsBrush HeadBody Shape with Finger Contour Power SwitchSolar Cell Power SourceUS A1 US Body Shape US00D Energy Mechanism Start/Stop Mechanism US B2 Brushing Action US00D External Search: Patent Search
Selectio n Criteria weight Oral B CrossActionColgate Oral Stages Power Philips Sonicare Xtreme e3000 Power Oral-B Vitality RatingValueScoreRatingValueScoreRatingValueScoreRatingValueScore Quality15% Replace ment Brush Head 10% Ergono mics 10% battery life 15%514 days days0.6412days0.635 days0.45 Price15%4$120.65$ $ $ ease of operati on 5% Safety15% Appeal15% Total100% Total Score Rank2134 External Research: Benchmarking
The final design includes a solar panel for added sustainability, steal rods and gears in order to preserve their length, and a large body made of strengthened plastic to prevent cracks and breaks.
All group members made different Pugh charts on different parts of the toothbrush. Each Pugh chart looks at 4 concepts.
Average RankingConcept 1Concept 2Concept 3Concept 4 Alpar (Body) Harsh ( Power Generation) John ( Energy Mechanism) Rob ( Brush Head) Final design For Brush Body : Concept 2 For Power Generation: Concept 4 For Energy Mechanism: Concept 4 For Brush Head : Concept 1 As a final design, our group has decided to choose the concepts below:
ToothBrush model (exterior)
ToothBrush Model (Interior)
The in built battery of the toothbrush is recharged by the solar panel as shown below The Toothbrush’s Mechanism Solar Panel Battery
The rechargeable battery supplies power to a motor as shown below Motor
The motor is attached to a small gear that rotates a larger gear so as to increase power in the brush head. Small Gear Large Gear
The gears then provide movement to pivots which create an oscillating movement in the brush head. Pivots that facilitate in oscillating motion Brush Head
Conclusion Based on our consumer needs the toothbrush is mainly made for durable and compact purposes. The body of the brush is durable due to the single piece cover that incorporates the mechanism of the toothbrush and the solar panel. As a result, if the brush were to fall the damage would be none to minimalistic. Moreover due to the compact body the toothbrush is not only travel/user friendly but also make the internal mechanism more durable. This is because there is a very slim chance of small parts detaching in the toothbrush’s mechanism.