The importance of Education Education has become an important part of society today. Education provides a foundation to many careers that are well-paying. A college degree is often required for many jobs(Torpey & Watson, 2014). Overall, people with bachelor’s degrees make more money than people with a high school diploma. Also, people with a mater’s or PhD will make more than a person with a bachelor’s degree. The more education an individual obtains often leads to more monetary success (Porter, 2014).
Education Pays
History of Education Education has always been a part our history where adults use to train and teach their children about survival skills. Without education we would not though of the ideas to improve technology. This social institution gives us the knowledge to further advance into the future. Education is a good thing since it is where people share their learning skills, beliefs, habits and values.
Education Perception Education is often a right granted to children and is perceived by society as a positive and important facet of society. Historically, education was not always a right granted to all children. It was not always seen as important. Before child labor laws, many children who were poor would get jobs instead of going to school. Only the rich could afford to get educated ( Staff, 2009).
Education with Child labor Laws Now, all children in the US are entitled to a K-12 education and cannot work until they are sixteen years old. However, low income students face financial difficulty in getting a college education. As previously noted, a college education is becoming increasingly important(Dupaix, 2015). Every company has to have child labor laws/employee rights posted in their office for their employees to read. An example of this employee rights poster in the next slide.
Conflict theory in Education Through the view of the conflict perspective, one would say the Education institution needs to be improved. There is an increasing inequality occurring between low-income students and high-income students. Low income students face more financial challenges. On average college tuition for a year costs $31,231 for private universities, $9,139 for state residents at public colleges, and $22,958 for out of state residents (College Data). Low income students have the helps of financial aid but it is often not enough to cover housing, books, and other expenses that come with college. Many low income students are forced to work to pay for their expenses. This takes away some of their study time.
Conflict theory in Education This image reflects the tuition between UC and CSU. It shows how over time tuition has increased. Low income students are being affected more now than before due to increase in tuition rates. Higher education has changed by becoming more expensive Also I noticed that education has became more selective every year since there is limited spaces in colleges.
Conflict Theory in Education cont. Low income students are often marginalized. They are often minorities in their college. Students in elite colleges often have trouble fitting in with their wealthy peers (Kaplan, 2010). Eric J. Kaplan who studied low-income students for his PhD paper stated that low-income students are often scared to attend elite colleges since they are under-represented in colleges (Kaplan, 2010). “About 82 percent of high school graduates from high-income families enroll in college, compared to 52 percent of graduates from low-income families”(Casselman, 2014).
Functionalist Perspective in Education From a functionalist perspective, the major participants in this institution work together to create an educated and successful society. Each member of the education system plays an important role. Students work hard to reach their career goals and value their education as a step to their future. Counselors work to guide students to their career goals. Educators play a crucial role. A Program called GEAR UP will help low income students that attend low income school become college ready by the time they graduate high school. This program would help students and parents with college information such as financial assistance, college prep courses, and also parent involvement in their children education (Bausmith & France, 2012).
Importance of Education An educated person is aware of the consequence of illegal actions and is less likely to get influenced. Educated people also tend to understand the world we live more than those who are not educated. It gives people the knowledge to answer to the questions whats, hows and wheres. Education gives human a higher chance to communicate and contribute to their community. Overall education is for a promising and secure future.
Improvement of Education If I had a change to improve education I would try to help low income students by having them in a program that helps them take the courses they need to go to their dream college. I would also try to set the same standards in every high school so that every student that attends high school would be on the same page as the other students. I noticed that for education I would make students do online homework and also in-class assignments to help them be prepare for test. The last thing I would like to improve about education is that every teacher should motivated their students since some teachers like to discourage their students by telling them that higher education is insane hard.
Citations page Bausmith, J. M., & France, M. (2012). The impact of GEAR UP on college readiness for students in low income schools. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 17(4), doi: Bennett, P. (January 2015). Little Children Suffer. In The Socialist Party of Great Britian. Retrieved from Casselman, B. (2014, April 30). Race Gap Narrows in College Enrollment, But Not in Graduation. FiveThirtyEight. Retrieved from DuPaix, M. (2015). Jobs for kids. In Minimum Age to Work in California. Retrieved from Glazer, L. (2015, April 20). Education pays updated. In Michigan Future Inc. Retrieved from Staff. (2009) Child labor. In History. Retrieved from ics/child-laborhttp:// Kaplan, E. J.Peer social networks among low-income students at an elite college (Order No. AAI ). Available from Sociological Abstracts. ( ; ). Retrieved from Porter, E. (2014, September 10). A Simple Equation: More Education = More Income. The New York Times. Retrieved from /09/11/business/economy/a-simple-equation-more-education-more- income.html?_r=0http:// Torpey, E. & Watson, A. (2014, September). Education level and jobs: Opportunities by state. In Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from /education-level-and-jobs.htmhttp://